how to communicate with a phlegmatic

This article was written from my own and Gerhards experience and also with ideas from Art & Laraine Bennets book The Temperament God Gave You. As a manager, your primary focus is to enable your people to execute their work, improve over time and perform their best. Phlegmatics are highly relational. The choleric does not always know when she is rubbing other people the wrong way unless someone tells them. Maintain a proper balance of diet, exercise, work, and relaxation to insure proper energy balance. In the process of developing their plan they will ask direct and detailed questions. Help us expand the ministry of deliverance and training worldwide. They look out for others and are willing to sacrifice their own interests to help others. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 Have a sense of duty Phlegmatic personality types feel a great sense of duty to do the right thing. Share decisions and be willing to accept part of the responsibility for the consequences. The secondary need is to do things right. They require little sleep (4 to 6 hours is common). WebThe meaning of PHLEGMATIC is resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm. They are not open, friendly, animated or talkative. Copyright 2023 Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals one in five Australians are experiencing psychological distress linked to COVID-19, which is taking its toll in the workplace. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine can do routine work but will need some change during the day. -Using negative encouragement. No one side of the Phlegmatics personality is especially active. They push their way through life trying to persuade others to their point of view. WebPhlegmatic individuals never interrupt the interlocutor, moreover, they know how to listen attentively, and they even nod showing their understanding. Melancholies tend to be introverted and see the details. Listen to the melancholic with empathy. You may want to provide supplementary material with lots of detailsin them. Be inspired to do something about the injustice they see. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they do and everything that happens in their life. They are often shy, and prefer the comfort of stability to a life of constant change. They make good companions because they are patient and tolerant of other peoples shortcomings. They respond well to a lowkey, peaceful relationship. One of the most effective and well used management techniques to keep good people from leaving their current workplace to pursue better options, is to operate a language of empowerment, but with a culture of disempowerment. They have a firm, lively, and friendly expression. Is it cold facts, or does it have passion and life? As a rule, the number of a phlegmatic childs friends does not exceed two for the entire school age, although more often, they tend to have only one close friend. Get a choleric to talk about her reasoning. Phlegmatic people are characterized by the balance and ability to cope with any stress. It is as if they look through the world through a tiny magnifying glass. Phlegmatic have the most stable type of nervous system. This post will help you better understand the key characteristics of the Phlegmatic person, along with the factors that help them to succeed and thrive. The secondary need is to be accommodating. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. They like to a address and solve problems. They function best when they collect facts and have alone time to think and develop a plan of action. How do I motivate my phlegmatic friend to action? This combination naturally likes to teach or train others what they know. Anyone who is a friend or spouse of a melancholic may find it tiring to be constantly cheering her up.. In this article, we will describe the Sanguine temperament and how they are wired, what they enjoy, and some of their core needs and preferences. They have great difficulty confronting or pressuring others, but when they do they can be sarcastic and slightly offensive. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or home remedies or prescription medication to make you more comfortable and help you clear your lungs. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is a frequently found combination. When leaders communicate, it is important they know their own personality type so that they can balance their preferences with the needs of those in the audience who may be a different personality type. WebIf you experience a facial masking, use feeling words to communicate your emotions (I feel happy, sad, excited, or "I agree). WebCommunicate your life, emotions, and opinions to them in easily digestible bits and pieces, and be willing to enjoy long periods of quiet. They are more friendly after warming-up, and can be very talkative at times. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. If you have chronic problems with mucus and phlegm, try the following. Use over-the-counter medication WebHow to Lead, Manage, and Supervise the Phlegmatic Temperament. They can usually see a creative solution quickly with a only small amount of information. They are always hungry for more information andare sometimes paralyzed by their analysis. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. Leaders have never felt as much responsibility as they do right now. They lead through detailed policies and procedures. To effectively lead the Phlegmatic, help them face this fear and overcome it. How to use phlegmatic in a sentence. They resist change until reasons are explained, defended, and accepted. They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make decisions. The Sanguine-Melancholy has a very active, vivid imagination causing them to be creative in many areas like music, the performing arts, writing, decoration, problem solving, etc. Here is a brief description of each one. They tend to have difficulty in relationships because they are rigid and maintain high standards. The danger of diminishing or dismissing the problem is that the melancholic may feel tempted to exaggerate for the next time, whatever it takes to get your attention. They easily promote their own ideas or the ideas of others. Sometimes there is no reconciliation. -Creating too many rules. They avoid conflict (which is why they are so accommodating). Have a sense of duty Phlegmatic personality types feel a great sense of duty to do the right thing. Now it is quite possible that there is a choleric in your life who has become bossy to the point of being tyrannical. Here are some aspects of other peoples temperaments that will always be difficult for us to swallow: How do I confront a choleric who is intimidating me? Plan social engagements around those times. Once the fear of failure is overcome, there is not much they cannot do as well, if not better than, anyone else. Brandon, FL 33511, Copyright 2022 Above & Beyond Christian Counseling - All Rights Reserved. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. Rick Hubbard - B.A. WebPhlegmatic individuals never interrupt the interlocutor, moreover, they know how to listen attentively, and they even nod showing their understanding. They are persistent and consistent at whatever they undertake. The Phlegmatic is introverted, calm, unemotional, easygoing, patient, and agreeable. If you have a spouse/child/significant other in close proximity that is predominantly phlegmatic in temperament,knowing the needs and aspectsof this temperament, coupled with a significant amount of grace on your part,can help you survive and indeed thrive! How do I get my melancholic spouse to not be so down? Without outside recognition, there is the danger that a phlegmatic may never recognize his talents and skills and never be motivated to activate them. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine prefers a mostly private, routine existence, and involvement with family and a few friends. Use over-the-counter medication For example, they may procrastinate because they do not clearly understand a work assignment, but they usually will not ask for clarification because they perceive this may cause conflict. in Communication and Organizational Leadership and an M.A. These are the types that think the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic feels safe to think, review, and plan when they stay up after the rest of the family has gone to bed. When the Phlegmatic and the Sanguine natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, people-oriented person who is routine, friendly, and tolerant of others. See the book Born With A Creative Temperament, The Sanguine-Melancholy, by John T. Cocoris on this website. Learn to show deep, tender feelings in ways that are comfortable and others can understand. If youre concerned about allergies, remember that the testing is easy and straightforward, says Dr. Bryson. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is a frequently found combination. Openness (Unconventionality) This personality trait refers to how open you are to new experiences. They take a win/lose approach to life, so when results are not coming quickly enough they become bored and will move easily to another project. Compatible marriage partners ENTP INFP ENFP 8. Use a sterile spray that has sodium chloride. We offer a variety of accredited Christian counseling courses including Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate programs. WebPhlegmatic individuals never interrupt the interlocutor, moreover, they know how to listen attentively, and they even nod showing their understanding. This article gives an overview only; for more information visit this link: Phlegmatic Temperament. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you're being dishonest. Melancholy | Supine | Sanguine | Choleric, Filed Under: Christian Counseling Tagged With: temperaments. They are naturally routine, accommodating, family-oriented, and passive about most things. Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. The melancholics deep self-awareness and extreme awareness of criticism can quickly lead her to depression. The secondary need is to do things right. They would do what they can to make the world a better place for everyone through innovation. Use game language, such as strategy and compete. Sanguines want to have fun. People with high levels of this trait often have an interest in and compassion for others, with a strong sense of empathy. Though easy-going, sanguines are deeply affected by criticisms. To convince a phlegmatic you have to show them how things are in the best interest of the group. Allow them time to adjust to change and be very patient. Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. They dislike details or doing tedious work, however, they see the importance of details, and can easily delegate that to others. Because of their passive nature, the Phlegmatic tends to easily procrastinate. They easily accept others. They avoid getting too involved with people, and life in general, preferring a private, low-key lifestyle centered around home and family. Remove the risk of tension and be calm, warm, practical, and push gently. These are the types that think the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few. All rights reserved. They are routine, consistent, and loyal. for Phlegmatics: Issues That Phlegmatics Must Typically Address or Learn: Disclaimer: The discussion above is geared solely towards providing insights into this temperaments needs, strengths and weaknesses. But dont be concerned. The Phlegmatic has difficulty making quick decisions. WebIf you experience a facial masking, use feeling words to communicate your emotions (I feel happy, sad, excited, or "I agree). They are confident and may appear aloof. Clearwater, Florida 33760, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling They resist changing their plan, especially if the change is sudden. Inconsistent body language. Instead, consider bringing your phlegmatic child into a career centre and letting him look at jobs on his own. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. They are more consistent and non-emotional than the other Phlegmatic combinations. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. Remember to be warm and personal and only apply slight pressure when needed when addressing them. Take an online quiz here. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 The Melancholy-Sanguine tends to be a well-balanced, precise thinker, who tends to follow procedures in both their business and personal lives. Or is bulldozing yours and others feelingsobliviously. WebSomeone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. Sanguines relate well with people. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine combination, also known as the Harmonizer, has a primary need to be accommodating and a secondary need to be accepted socially. They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make better decisions. They have an anchored determination to follow their routine or complete a task. They are accommodating, industrious, and independent (loners). Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. Often thought of as small talk, phatic communication is the verbal and non-verbal routines people go through when communicating with each other. They have a strong drive to tell others what they know, and what to do. They are not as rules-driven as Melancholies, but like to weigh the relational impact of decisions. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. They have a wry/dry sense of humor that they use to keep people at arms distance. But if youre sick, your mucus can become thick and crusty. When committed to accomplishing a goal they are insightful and creative. They rarely show emotion or affection. If you want a Sanguine personality to attend an event, tell them how much fun it will be or give them a position up front where they will be noticed. The Melancholy-Choleric has a firm, serious expressions, and they rarely smile. The Sanguine-Melancholy tends to warm up slowly to new people because they are unsure of how they are being received. How to use phlegmatic in a sentence. They need time to adjust when change is recommended, especially sudden change. Remember melancholics are introverts and recharge their batteries when they are alone. They are agreeable to avoid upsetting someone. The Phlegmatic temperament is the most productive in a career that allows for a routine and to be of service to others. They lead by forming alliances. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is one of the least frequently found patterns. Home remedies can provide relief. The personality types of the audience. But it is the primary temperament, and the secondary temperament that affect a persons daily behavior the most. They are very possessive of family time, material things, and friends. Control their critical attitude about others. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. Avoid getting into too much detail, state the facts and give some examples, without jokes or sarcasm. Communicating with Sanguines. Fatigue. The Sanguine-Choleric is more assertive than the other Sanguine combinations. They like winners. When combined with a segmented audience analysis, it will help you create powerful communication strategies. WebIf you experience a facial masking, use feeling words to communicate your emotions (I feel happy, sad, excited, or "I agree). The key is to use the right words to convince star employees they have value and power, but then trick them into giving far more than they should, for far less than its worth, for far longer than they want to. Receptionists use routine greetings to begin and end phone conversations. This can help your body moisturize your throat and nasal passages and may help you reduce mucus and phlegm production. WebHow to Lead, Manage, and Supervise the Phlegmatic Temperament. The best jobs for the Phlegmatic personality are often found in job positions such as customer service, nurse, teacher, mid-level management (that does not require quick decisions), pharmaceutical salesperson, sales clerk, route salesperson, operating a postal route, and office staff worker. Once they have a plan, however, they may not be consistent or follow through because of the fear of failure. Even people like that are usually interested in things, but its harder to figure out what they are because theyre not very forthcoming. This is a versatile, productive individual who works well with most anyone. But the color doesnt necessarily mean you have an infection. To communicate effectively, you need to avoid distractions and stay focused. They need pushing to be sociable, beyond their family and close friends. It is one of the least frequently found combinations. The Choleric-Sanguine is not a frequently found combination. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or home remedies or prescription medication to make you more comfortable and help you clear your lungs. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach. Let him figure it out for himself. Do not make the melancholic feel badly for her negativity but help her develop constructive criticism: that is, criticism that leads to results and not just to hurt feelings. WebSomeone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. They like to initiate change. Do not become angry and hostile because of their unwillingness to initiate affection. Through life trying to persuade others to their point of being tyrannical be constantly cheering up. Is usually a people person leaders have never felt as much responsibility as they do and everything happens! Melancholy-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they do and everything that happens in life. They easily promote their own ideas or the ideas of others and they nod... Throat and nasal passages and may help you clear your lungs animated or talkative to make better decisions with! Medication to make the world through a tiny magnifying glass change until reasons are,! 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