mirrors facing doors spirits

My other option is two rectangular mirror hung about 4 inches apart. Is There Bad Energy? It seems to me that hanging a large mirror in the dining room may be unlucky for those people who almost never eat in the dining room, if the idea is that the reflection of plenty of food responds to plenty of money. It depletes personal energy and creates sleeplessness. How do I deal with it? Thank you for this well written article. Do not hang a mirror that: Most importantly, not everything in your home is a feng shui object. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. And i dont really have dining room so it is in living room on south wall facing couch, sort of near entry but in middle of living area due to small space. Placing a mirror can bring energy from the outside, which is a great if whats outside your window has positive energy. Legend has it that spirits resting in your mirror will suck your soul out through the mirror and there is no better time for them to do this than in the dark when you are sleeping and unprotected! Hi Ady, You are perhaps overthinking this. Hello Victor. Great article and well written! Maybe hell notice the next time he tries to move something inside the house from the front door. Is it ok? Hi JK, Facing tree is fine because youll have more natural green in your house. Therefore, it is best to not sleep in front of a mirror. Thanks! Thanks. Good luck with your neighbors! Some people dont like it because it cuts the reflection and spooks them. For example: having 2 mirrors facing each other will attract ghosts into your house. Do I need to be concerned about this and do something to protect myself? Hi Pinky, Yes, that is totally fine. Some people say they cause headaches. Youll be constantlyreminded of work, which can definitely bring a great deal of stress to you. Hope this helps. Hi Wei, Yes, that placement is fine because its not facing directly to stove. Heres one I found on Aliexpress.com: Aside from different Bagua, theres also concave, convex, and flat mirrors. What should I do, Hi Carlie, Your mirror is in a good place, unless you have a better place for it. Flat Bagua Mirrors have the Most Neutral Use, 21. Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors. We also have a circular mirror which is currently in the kitchen on the west wall opposite a window reflecting brick buildings, is it best to move this to the North wall in the bedroom above the bed OR to the North wall in the living room reflecting the kitchen or not use it at all? Do place it along the two side-walls of the hallway but not at its end. Hi Cecilia, Yup, both are good. If your son doesn't have any sleep issues, then he's ok. From my experience, most young people doesn't have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. Hi Anna, Yea that is fine, as long as the mirror doesnt startle/surprise you or others living with you. Thank you so much, Hi Claudia, It depends on the situation, it is not mirror is bad at end of hallway by default. The front door is very important in all the schools of feng shui because its how energy enters your space and life. Thanks! If the mirror is reflecting too much light, it will lead to nightmares. Is it ok? 10 Messages. Hi Yuna, Both scenarios you described will work just fine. Therefore, sleeping with them will give them access to spirits from other worlds. It is bad when you have a mirror placed or facing the front door. Is it okay to place next to my door? Is this ok? the last step of the stairs to the wall, the distance is 2 1/2 ft. Can you give us the cure? Even if you use it, I have doubts on whether it can be of much help. Also, the friend advised me to place one on top of garage door, is this necessary, i wouldnt want to over do it. If you move into a new home, don't bring along the broom you used in your old digs! If not, feel free to leave them where they are. I believe that first thing one should do is to be aware and NOT go against their gut-feeling. So if it reflects your beautiful artworks, you should be in great shape. Hi Terri, I have not heard of that rule no mirror on South wall. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same. They are gone now and I inherited the home. What are the implications of having a mirror in your bedroom? In addition, my adjoining next door neighbour to the south who is 80, is having to deal with a sick husband who is now in a care home, she seems angry about the whole thing and Im wondering am I also picking up her bad vibes through the walls? Is a Mirror Facing the Front Door Bad Feng Shui? Such that when ever i stand up from my work desk i can take a look at myself and make necessary reflections on myself. The same was said for mirror placed on the wall behind the bed. Is there a remedy for this. It may take the rest of my life to completely heal from his traumatic problems he cast upon me. It doesn't necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. Its the same type of mirror some drivers use to attach onto their automobiles side mirrors. In Feng Shui, mirrors can bring expanding positive energy and light into a space, creating harmony and balance. Youll be fine as long as it doesnt reflect your front door/window. i like it because its big. Hi Victor! Talking about bedroom situation > you have mentioned that the bedroom mirror should never face the bed. Set the bed so that the door opens diagonally to the right or left of the bed's foot board on the opposite wall, never straight . Any thoughts on the best shape of mirrors to use in the dining room to maximize fengshui? If you believe such comments then your spirits will start to create such illusions in your mind. Whether the concrete right angle affects you depends on several factors as well (distance, where it goes to your house/front/back etc.). Perhaps others have that kind of experience. 2 Newborn Babies Hello! I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. Since ancient times, any shiny surface has been regarded as a spirit doorway and can be used deliberately to summon spirits . One last question: you have mentioned that mirrors are bad notion in the kitchen. See which arrangement you like better and keep it at that! Is this ok? Should I move the altar elsewhere since the mirror will be above it and its at the bottom of the stairs, plus its not even facing the front door? It acts as a gateway that allows them to come and go. Hi Michelle, Seems odd but shouldnt be a problem. . However, all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is bad Feng Shui. This is not good for the household and it is not good for you too. Subscribe FREE for more Feng Shui Tips https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUnXlurpGR7elK-aS4ynbkg?sub_confirmation=1Check out the detailed guide bel. Is it Bad Luck to Keep Ashes in the House? Hi Alexis, If you feel happy seeing yourself like this, then youre in good shape! -Victor. However, I do agree that it is distracting and can bring more stress. Im glad I came across your website. My mother in law would like to move closer to my family. (I usually make a circle around the entire structure).Most of the time these portals are Outside of the building, but mirrors facing doors and windows, can open these . Hi Regina, For your sliding door to your front door, there could potentially be issues. Hi Victor, I have an L shape stairs, i hang my rectangular mirror facing the first part of the stairs just before the end of the stairs, i love seeing my reflection into the mirror while going down, the location of my mirror would be ok? Please help. Hi Jen, That is totally fine. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. If you have bad neighbors and place a mirror facing in their direction, you are visually bringing . Hi TCE, Yes, this is fine. Please advise. it is ok to put a mirror on my east wall which facing my living room, dining area and window? What to Know About the Feng Shui Water Element, Understand the Meaning of Popular Feng Shui Symbols, How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom: Dos and Don'ts, How to Use Feng Shui to Improve Luck and Protection, How Yin and Yang Energies Function in Feng Shui, How to Use the Energy of Green Tara in Feng Shui, How to Use Feng Shui to Position Your Desk. -Victor, Hi Victor, I have a mirror in the hallway facing the door under the staircase not the front door but the door beneath the staircase. What does it Mean When it Rains After Someone Dies? -Victor. That is because the mirror tends to double your workload. Hi Victoria, For the bedroom door itd be better if the mirror doesnt face the bed when you sleep. -Victor. I tried to tell my relative but he dont agree. Thanks, Hi Emma, The mirror placement is good. What Does it Mean if you Keep Spilling Water? Feng Shui is a new concept for me and I am fascinated by it. Hi Amy, Yes, that is totally fine. Fr. The connection between mirrors and the water spirit is high. Welcomes Negative Energy. 4. -Victor. Therefore, ensure that the mirror does not reflect anything that has to do with spirit. I have a very challenging room. Is this still considered bad feng shui? It means you was visited by a guardian angel or protective angel that and seeing a white shadow is the same thing. A. HI Victor, How can i utilise a mirror as a self reminder. As for other places, it is best not to place mirrors unless advised by your trusted Feng Shui consultant. However, this does seem like a practical tip, especially for those working in restaurants. -Victor. Let me repeat: Bagua mirrors should be placed outdoors only. Colors can be used to balance the five elements of that area: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-home/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/ It is true that there are ideal door positions based on a persons Kua number. Hi Tim, Different shapes are correlated with different elements. You shall keep a mirror anywhere. I have no job because I have lower back problems but SSI and/disability doesnt think its a problem. Just think if you was able to see and experience that then theres a special reason why. Sleeping in front of an uncovered mirror will invite spirits into your room, and your dreams. thanks ???? The only remedy for this situation is to relocate the mirror so that it's no longer directly across from the door. the mirror (facing outwards). Panic!!! I have a long living and dining room. Even when you sleep, sleeping in front of a mirror will lead to nightmares. And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? Feng shui consists of five elements, each of which is said to have different impacts psychologically, ultimately affecting feelings of wellness and balance. So this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between. Thank you for your patience. It will bring a vivid image of your ugly past, and make you responsible for those mistakes. Is this problematic from a feng shui perspective? There is a house 2 houses down from mine that has been on the market for about 3 months. Gravedigger / February 12, 2016. Feeling of being touched: Feeling a hand or something brush past, or a poke, push or nudge.Sometimes if the energy is negative there can also be unexplained scratches. Does reflecting closed curtains or blinds have meaning? -Victor. The door must not face the elevator door. Mirrors are hung on the wall or placed inside the closets with sliding doors to be used when needed. When you have a mirror facing your bed, ensure that it does not reflect the image of your deceased loved one. A reader asked an awesome feng shui question about bedroom mirrors: "One of the walls in my bedroom is pretty much entirely a window. It was almost as if there was a lot of fussing going on in the room between the two mirrors. Hello, was hoping you could provide some guidance for a mirror selection for Dining Room. For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldnt face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways. Hi Janet, Of course that is totally fine! Also, make sure that those mirrors on the side-walls dont face each other. -Victor. When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. Severally, people have testified to hearing noises from their mirrors in the bedroom, which got them scared. the 2nd flr.) So if I hang a mirror above the radiator, it would reflect stairs going upwould this be ok? But also, I have recently returned from China, where I spent few months of intense Tai Chi training (Chen Style). If so, does it apply to a decorative one like that in the patio? -Victor, Thank you very much, Victor. Now both mirrors reflecting towards east and we have a staircase plus main door from East direction. 2.) thanks, Hi Mishi, If that door is not frequently used, theres really no need. -Victor. The classical schools tend to recommend against a mirror facing the front door do so because for them, the reflection of a mirror reflects energy back. I have purchased the convex bagua but is thinking of getting the simple plat one too. Hi Svetlana, Mirror inside wardrobe is totally fine because you only see/use it for a short period of time. They have done things to my property that are unfathomable during their home construction (grading my property without permission, damaging my sprinklers and landscaping, encroaching on my property by building a wall in my property line, blocking access to my garage for 3 months, the list goes on.) According to my friends from Singapore. -Victor. Another creepy old wives' tale says that whoever falls asleep first on their wedding night (of the bride and groom) will be the first to die. Thanks as well. See #3 above. The entrance door itself lets a lot of natural light in through the glass. Hi Victor, This is an interesting article for anyone who believe in fengshui. Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home. Hi Sabrina, If you dont use the front door, then yes, its fine. I have my easel and a desk set up on this same South wall. Its a good answer . A mirror facing the sliding door isn't bad. Traditionally, Early and Later Heaven Bagua Sequence Matters, 18. Hi Ekta, I wouldnt worry too much about mirror being symbolic to water. The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . If you have mistakes in your life that you are not proud of, it is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will bring back those memories. If youre really concerned, one way is to get a smaller dining table. We have mirror and its facing the back door. Lastly, I plan to have a fountain.but need to give up one fish tank, will it be an arowana or a flower horn? The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. Hi Tania, You can try placing something in between the front door the mirrors. -Victor. Theres no one to startle in that case lol As for plants, it totally depends on you. The stairs faces the wall. Hi Sharon, If the mirror is far away from the front door then youre fine. On the other hand, if you believe in feng shui, placing a mirror that faces a door is considered as bad luck. Ticketmaster is the global leader in event ticketing with over 500 million tickets sold annually and more than 12,000 clients worldwide. These five elements (and their impacts) are: Earth: Grounding, security, stability, balance. So when I paint, the painting is right behind me on the opposite wall, reflecting my back. Where are the best places for mirrors in your house? To sustain good energies that help increase wealth, any kind of businessman can . He passed away 12/07/20. Mirrors are quite common in modern bedrooms. This persons hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that. Pick whichever one you like most. As a result, the Yin and Yang balance in the house can shift, and you may find that the house is not as comfortable as it once was. I hope its ok to use it because its so beautiful Lastly, my entry way is kind of small, the front door opens to a shoes closet (but its enough space between them), next to the shoe closet is the stairs so the front door is not quite in alignment with the stairs, but on the left of the front door, I place the altar (protective spirit) directly on the floor, and not facing to the front door cause its the only spot to place it. Questions regarding mirrors are frequent and often cause much confusion when it comes to the world of feng shui. -Victor, Hi Victor: I just read your article thanks for all the help I do have a question is it okay to put a mirror in a black room with no Windows, Hi Martha, Yes, that is totally fine. However, that wall faces the stove which is about 20 ft away. However, the question of the mirror and front door changes from school to school. Also, my master bath has a mirror which faces the door so when the door is open, I can see one mirror in the other. Also, I heard mirror facing a window can amplify the whatever element outside the window. Hi there, thank you for a great article! And, no worries if it faces the drains. Lots of lovely light comes in, but I have to put my largest mirror directly across the room from it. Therefore, mirrors facing windows should be placed depending on what it will reflect from outside of window. ? Its not in any of the examples mentioned in the article I was wondering if this is ok. Will those push good luck and energy away from home? It is situated where the street aims right for the front door. MY neighbor that lives exactly across from me has placed a beautiful Square mirror right across the hall , facing my front door. -Victor. -Victor. Is that ok to keep it? Hello Sir! we love mirrors in our house and want to use a custom mirror contoured to it as a table top. Hi AJ, A bagua mirror may or may not help. Hi Carrie, From what youve told me, I wouldnt conclude that shes a witch. As for altar, I would be careful. What would you recommend? By the way, on that wall, there is a glass family picture frame that mirrors the stairs going up. That is one of the reasons why I suggest you seek professional help on this. Is it safe to hang the rectangular large mirror there? The floor plans are west-east and the living room, where I spend most of my time in has a huge east-facing patio window which looks out across the garden and is overlooked by side wall of an adjacent 1 storey house. A mirror you find that you like the most is best. Others just say that itll distract you from work. T bring along the broom you used in your old digs new concept for me and am... Said for mirror placed on the market for about 3 months one last question: have! More natural green in your mind attract ghosts into your room, dining and! Whether it can be used when needed then your spirits will start to create such illusions in your old!... 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