We always knew it had to do with everyone in the upline getting a piece of greed pie after the lowly Ambot at the bottom of the pyramid did a lot of work to make a sale. Where to start? Diamond Club: February 3-8, 2023. I'm doing posts about how people are getting prospected by ambots so this will fit in nicely. Are you aware of what is going on in India right now with your supplier? Hey there Anna, You know, in this specific case, you don't have to choose who to believe because they're both correct in a way. Hehehe,I am about to go Diamond in only 3 years of hard work and dedication.How much I Love when skepticals turn out to be wrong :)Du, nu nu nu, nu nu, nu nu,Cant touch me. If lying and scamming people is part of being a Christian then you can see why so many people want no part of it. Who is Amway critic Joecool? Free trips? However, most people in the organizations do NOT bother with the 10n retail customer rule. Restaurant owners are scum! Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. According to the assholes in your Amway upline Amway Diamonds make millions of dollars a year! People get fired. China is now Amway's largest market, accounting for $2.6 billion in revenue, or about 30 percent of its worldwide sales, the company's president, Doug DeVos, told Reuters last year. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. At least if people are watching TV they aren't losing money to Amway. Start at the bottom? Nothing wrong with network marketing.Most of those companies you listed, Barnes, Sears, and Best Buy are struggling right now and shutting down stores, they will take any hook they can get for extra cheap referrals to their business.It is not the partner sites that make Amway bad, its their IBO' actions IMO. And yeah most of the bad reputation is because of the antics of their commissioned saleforce and the various cult sects Amway allows to operate. And because you're a dumb fuck Amway Ambot I have to spell it out for you. Hey thanks! This is called ignorance growing a mouth. Astonishingly, he makes $300k on a bad year and $460k on a good year. So, I jumped on the internet on my smart phone and did some research. Too funny. They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. They joined Amway in 1973 and went Diamond in 1979. Stop being so angry and focus more of your time on watching T.V and drinking before you have to go to sleep to make it to WORK tomorrow. And when I say tiny, I mean spending hundreds in the Amway "dream" and getting small $10 checks back from Amway. Check out this youtube video on some of my uplines getting really big bonus checks from Amway. They have not been recognized in the Amagram or Achieve as having achieved Emerald or Diamond on their own. People in Amway are prudes The correct answer when asked about your dream is to say its to produce gay porno movies. The old Wizard of Oz "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain", because that "man" is an upline wanting to pick your pocket clean while you are busy with your head in the clouds dreaming. Some groups advertise (verbally) that someone might earn $100,000 . Thats not enough money! Shouldn't the FTC know that they are LYING about the income of this opportunity? They have you indoctrinated to think that everything you read on the internet is simply the opinions of simple minded slack jawed uneducated liberals who only want to live off of their government welfare program. you call people in Amway stupid but the real idiots are the people that listen to you". Woo hoo! How much does a diamond make in Amway? Gokaiger cast member M.A.O. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. However you Amway "Christians" worship the Great Amway God and worship greed and material things so you're really fucked up in your twisted religious beliefs.This blog is all about transposing how people in Amway treat the rest of the world and sling it back at them. And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. They were probably shocked as well. Lying and bullshitting. He got signed last month and I consider this person as 1 of my best friends that I truly care about. Amway Global Nuevos Diamantes Pablo & Maria Garcia en Achievers: http://play.kendincos.com/155374/Wvzvztxfjdhptpt-amway-global-nuevos-diamantes-pablo-maria-garcia-en-a.html. Far from it. I showed up an hour late and I was shocked to find out that my friend sucked me into an Amway meeting like a blind vortex. Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. I said "well, he does have 12 people already set up for his downline". F19 - you Amway "Christians" make the rest of the world sick. of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. There is no problem with having another job with Amway, especially if you have a high paying career. When our sack of shit Platinum talked his downline into moving over to Monavie I estimate that was a loss of around $25,000/month to Amway. . Team Global all the way! It makes Amway Ambots very angry that its so high on the search engines when they're probably looking to find out how much an Amway Diamond makes. If Amway is such a great opportunity, why don't Amway distributors prospect people by saying "I am involved in Amway would you like to go with me to an Amway meeting"? Amway is vastly different.. a strategy ? ;) *ShakingMyHead*Mitchellinspiration.wwdb.bizFeel free to e-mail me with any assumptions and doubts about being an IBO, i would be happy to shatter your falsified assumptions. You have to buy monthly membership to what ever cult sect you're part of like WWDB call it $50. But like any pyramid based upon recruitment and not selling products to an outside customer base, the only folks who have any hope of making above breaking even are a very small percentage (less than 1% by Amway's own literature) and they do that on the backs of people are recruited in and lose money hand over fist while being bullshitted with "you gotta hang in there, success is just around the corner" and "you just aren't working hard enough", neither which is usually true. As long as they have a steady stream of suckers paying too much money for generic and substandard Amway products they've got no reason to make changes. This is gross. Let's also assume he had some living expenses during that time. No praying required just think about it no one knows anyone here but we all know people who enjoy they're journey and we all know people that hate they're journey 95% percent of people are seeking solutions 5 percent are excited to join a ranting bunch. Hence this blog doesn't take long to read guess not many commenting parties. You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). At the 50th Anniversary celebrations in Ada, Michigan last week Steve Van Andel reported there were 544 currently qualifying Founders Executive Diamondsand above businesses in attendance, and there were reportedly over 4000 currently qualifying Diamond and above IBOs (so around 2000 IBOships)in Las Vegas. Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. I ask because I've seen your name before in game. Find a way to make extra money and invest it.If you're inside the Amway cult, the cult leaders will tell you to "invest" you money back in Amway buying shitty overpriced products and investing in the tool scam.Normal people know to invest in real estate or stocks or classic cars or what have you. This is just sad ambitious or not. The Amway cult leaders should just tell VanAndel and DeVos to fuck off and then they should move on to another MLM scam where they can flog their tools. Hi Anonymous. Answer (1 of 9): Amway diamond income is made up of bonus and commissions paid by Amway and the income earned from BWW which produces Talks and organizes seminars. I hate all of them. Yeah right. LOL. Nothing brings those Amway assholes more happiness than destroying other people's relationships. The big reason it smells so much like a pyramid scheme is because, despite loopholes, that is what it is. The cast of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger made their first public appearance at this year's LIVE&SHOW anniversary concert celebrating Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. Try again later. Thanks! Being an adult I figured you and others would have realized this. You have no time to waste!!!~Osuwariboy. This article is insanely biased. Do you bitch about how restaurants are scams? If you qualify for Diamond Select, you will be treated to an extended trip with exclusive activities and VIP pampering, plus more time to connect, collaborate and relax with fellow business leaders. If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. The glimmer of hope still exists. L.O.L. Is it worth working all those hours and going into debt to trick others and not having much $$$ to show for it? does this not also include "diamonds"? Obviously we have differing opinions on what is negative and there's nothing wrong with having different opinions on that. They defend Amway as being a multi-billion dollar company, not taking into account that they got that rich off the backs of their poorly commissioned sales people self-consuming the horribly over-priced products and going out and recruiting others to do the same. could you explain more about amway. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Life is short and you spend it blogging and shitting on Amway because you're a failure. Ask your dad's friend to show you the ownership papers and his registration.If he's in Amway, he'll probably give you a lot of double-talk, and then pretend he didn't hear your questions. This varies from country to country, and strategy to strategy! There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why theyre getting divorced. If you can help contribute to Amway Wiki with information on existing Diamonds, or even just a simple page with the names of any Diamonds were missing and their level please do so! You and I probably have different definitions of what we consider positive people. I already feel like I'm walking into a trap. Anonymous - apparently life experience from people who lived through the Amway hell isn't good enough in person actually lived through it research. Financing available . We know some, but not many. Furthermore, in 2009 Amway held celebrations of their 50th Anniversary and invited all qualified Diamonds and above to Las Vegas. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.7. I hope you are doing that now. Hi Anonymous. You know the correct income and Amway's head office is way off base by a half a million. Ambots have to lie otherwise they can't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting. We have been "in the business" now for some 18 yrs, and have been @ the Direct/Platinum or above level for 17 of those yrs. When you are Teamed up with the right team that actually cares about you, and builds your business because when you succeed then they succeed. Do I look like a mechanic? he is awake dipshit. Sounds like a stronger selling point.Or is it less? Believe it or notsome people do enjoy their careers. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if theyre not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.4. Also buy monthly for your "personal assistant" LOL Communikate, around $35 or $40. And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. It is a nice income for most people. WHich was funny cause at the meetings they'd tell us we weren't recruiting enough people, but we had meetings like 3 days a week including all day saturday, and some sundays so I'm not completely sure when we were supposed to actually recruit. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. Enjoy laid-back luxury on Oahu's sunny western coast in Ko Olina. Not everyone needs to be billion aires.When people join and leave their permanent jobs, that is their own risk and only they are to blame if they get financial issues.lastly why cant people still work if they are diamonds? He's not totally sold on it either. Anna dear,You should see a councillor for your lashing out, anger issue.I was looking for info an Amway,Funny thing i realized I dont want to be Anything like you, your a real biatch by the way your are talking to people. . It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. Ive never been one to like amway, for the most part I do think its annoying but theres no denying thr fact that most of my family that came from a 3rd world country and were piss poor came up with this business with years of hard work and effort. Everyone upline earns commission while the lowly IBO at the bottom of the pyramid did all the work to make that sale. It's impossible to know the exact "success" rate for Amway independent business owners (IBOs), but one case from 2008 showed that out of 33,000 IBOs, only 90 made enough money to cover the costs of their business. But sadly this is the story of 99% of the IBOs. Hi Anonymous. Amway diamonds make 650k+ a year. You're hanging out at this blog instead of worshipping and loving them and sucking their dicks off. They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. Hey I'm the last dude who wasted my life reading this blog so far :D Just take a minute and think carefully guys, would you guys listen to a person speaking tons of bad words or a person speaking nicely? I was in Amway back in 96 to 99. Anonymous - you don't think Darnell its hilarious that many people have been financially and emotionally devastated by the Amway scam? Same with a job. We do this out of the goodness of our hearts to help others not make the same mistake. Trump is really good at making money for himself so, he started his own MLM and placed himself at the top. From conversations with my emerald and diamonds. Alas we have a long way to go! So i just dont see why anyone would bother. Using Kellys technique of assuming no overlap in businesses and no international sponsoring, but with correct figures, Amway US Sales could theoretically support more than 530 Founders Diamonds. Its called facts and people who ignore them are called ignorant. Diamond are able to requalify. Thanks for stopping by with your story. Not being able to go to other kids birthday parties because their parents "counselled with upline" about buying the birthday kid a present and were told no, use that money to buy more shitty overpriced Amway products instead. You are worth it, and your family is worth it! Youre the liar you broke loser. The list on AmwayWiki is dynamically generated by articles on AmwayWiki, so if you know of more simply create a new article for the Diamond, with category Diamond, and theyll appear in the list. Hey Anonymous - you're not a dude you're a prude. Well, I dont think you will be setting any records.A lady in Sweden qualified diamond in 6 monthsI think she may have been in Double Diamond qualification by the 12 month mark. And they will rip you off with the books, tapes and functions. Anyway, yeah so he gave me a lip gloss sample to show to girls to try to get them to purchase lip gloss. Until you feel Gods love, it may be hard to accept-Kyle. What about bankrupt Diamonds. You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. Success is NOT just around the corner if there are no outside buyers for the products. This blog is about cursing out the fucking assholes in my Amway upline and getting the word out about the lies and scams that Amway assholes use. Check % of it ! So 0.014%. The secret to success in Amway is you have to be the most obnoxious fucking asshole around. But what a dilemma. And if the first one doesn't work then there's always another one to try. silverthorn road, seminole, fl33777. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. Theyd have to be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a Diamond lifestyle. I wasn't even there and I can give a play by play because nothing ever changes in Scamway.First off you got sucked in by someone you trust and hope wouldn't steer you wrong or get you involved in something bad.Amway the Cult of Greed where the Great Amway God is worshipped and nothing is more important than the almighty dollar. But everyone else is spending way more than they're making. Once Ambots are brainwashed they don't care about their friends or family anymore except for how much money then can make off them.So your friend said to you - I know a really sharp businessman who has some great ideas. haha! Youre a broke loser you fucking Amway Diamond according to the Amway IBOs in your downline! You do realize that Amway's head office reads this blog. Gross or net and with or without a few cash events Diamonds can't afford to live millionaire lifestyles on that income. I had to buy the tapes too. Nonsense. He even handed me a free xs energy drink. Tobbi - you are probably right. Anonymous - I'm sorry to hear you're falling for a women inside the Amway cult. Amway Diamonds- How To Hit The Rank. I join this buisness 1 month ago. They cherry pick scripture, an make it say the exact opposite of what it does when presented in context. The best poker players in the world don't play every card they are dealt. What would be more fantastic would be more information. Anonymous - I'm sure its a gross figure and its not the exact figure on Amway literature but its within a few thousand, I just like to work in round numbers. That is a big red flag.. but do you know how it works? This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. Who is now amway diamon and who is babesor. All of those people getting false hopes that one day they can live large thanks to this scam. I never made much money because I never followed the system. Calling it an e-commerce meeting is probably the oldest trick out there. "This cheap thing wouldnt be worth more than $1, probably less if bought in bulk," I told myself. LOL!!!! LOL! But I don't think that fucker is going to believe you! BWW? The point of this blog is to show that Amway is NOT a solution, it's a money-losing cult that MAKES problems for people, not solve them. You saved my life and my future. The Amway products are horribly overpriced, so sales to the general public are minimal at best. I'm Kyle. i have joined amway business in the month of february Its all about confusing the victim tossing out numbers that sound good but in reality won't be. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. Sometimes the greatest achievements have the most humble beginnings. Wow, I knew it. "Everything is awesome", Put this into Google Translate and even it shrugged it's shoulders in confusion. They're in the past. Omg anna you foreal need to get a life. Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. Be humble, open minded , and loving and God will open doors! Our sack of shit Platinum got fired from Amway a few years ago and took most of the downline with him. This product item already exists in the list. Sheep.Decency? But, perhaps Theo is still around to clarify his math. Mario's Mother Has Passed Away. So by Amway Ambot logic Donald Trump, the Queen of England, Bill Gates, Oprah, Warren Buffett, and Richard Branson are all broke.And what's with those ambots that show up here bragging about how much money Amway made in sales last year. So 6 platinums, a diamondship would run about $2.16 million annually. To my horror it was a Fu&^%&ing AMWAY rally. However, if he were to claim that he owned the Apple stock for more that one month, he's saying that he purchased 1,000 shares of a stock whose value ranged between $300 and $600 per share over the three years that he's been in business. It is now, of course, but then (if memory serves me right) it had more to do with the year 2000 than the name Amway. And unless the downline can sell that overpriced crap they bought, what their PV was means nothing. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. I'm going to repost your comments on an upcoming post because this is an older post and some people might miss what you have to say. Lastly, everyone just needs to settle down. At least Anna is working to persuade others NOT to embark on that journey to hell. Thank you for this website, Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a phenomenal metaphor for this. That's why there is a 90 day money back guarantee so you can't be out anything. According to your figures? Only a handful of Diamonds have kept their status and they have to keep working and speaking. As for the products 180 day money back guarantee, so nothing to lose everything to gain if you have a dream and want to make a difference in many lives. Yes, any hand you are dealt could be the one that wins you all the chips, but playing every hand like it is a flush straight will bleed your chips dry. How many women out there would buy such a product?Yeah I'd say keep it. So, Theo took home some fraction of $1.22 million in that time.So how does a fraction of $1.22 million pay for 4 McDonalds franchises, 2 Denny's Diners, 1 Holiday Inn and 5 gas stations? Keep it youtube video on some of my blog administrators attracted a.... & ing Amway rally we got out of the major functions enjoy their careers in and...! ~Osuwariboy to try the tee of your critical assessment of Amway greatest achievements have the most humble.. As having achieved Emerald or Diamond on their own a free xs energy drink are prudes the correct when! Spending way more than they & # x27 ; s sunny western in! 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