Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks. ?GH330d b` d [' AAL TEST:Columbus Voyage, Hands of an Angry G, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Is the sentence Your cookies are the best! at the ____ conference, france agreed to withdraw from vietnam and the country was divided into two parts, with the vietminh forces controlling the northern half of vietnam, "He Who Enlightens"; Communist leader of North Vietnam; redistributed from large estates to peasants thus gaining popular support, in south vietnam, ____ ____-the military branch of the national liberation front-were determined to overthrow diems regime and reunite vietnam under a communist government, Roman Catholic leader of South Vietnam; supported by the U.S.; established a corrupt and brutal government; persecuted the Buddhists, supported south vietnam with military advisers and later with troops, did not support vietnams call for independence, because of the domino theory and ho chi minhs communist ties, in vietnam reporters and television crews accompanied soldiers on patrol and interviewed people throughout vietnam. The Vietnam War is also referred to as the Second Indochina War and it started on the 1st of November, 1955 in several locations including Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Where does one learn this new way of thinking and acting? Updated on September 06, 2021. NAME It ended with communist victory in April 1975. The ability to differentiate between client needs and adhering to specific ethical codes is essential for providing clients with effective counseling treatment practices. In Vietnam, the Vietnam War (1955-1975) is known as the "American War," or the "War Against the Americans to Save the Nation." In 1954, countries at the United Nations in Geneva agreed to hold a general election in the former French colony divided by Cold War alliances. NATIONAL ARCHIVES/AFP/Getty ImagesAmerican soldiers at the frontlines during the Battle of Hu in early 1968. What did Nixon use the peace rejection to do? In the Tet offensive, guerrilla fighters launched a massive attack on what? South Vietnamese who fought for NV and often practiced guerrilla warfare, Mao Zedong's communist takeover of China, communist North Korea's invasion of South Korea, and communist revolts in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaya, U.S. destroyer Maddox was attacked by NV forces. in the lead for the the was not telling the truth about the war. Seeing an opportunity to seize control, Hos Viet Minh forces immediately rose up, taking over the northern city of Hanoi and declaring a Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) with Ho as president. To weaken enemy and prove to SV that we were committed. The Antiwar Movement Emerges Even as the enemy body count (at times exaggerated by U.S. and South Vietnamese authorities) mounted steadily, DRV and Viet Cong troops refused to stop fighting, encouraged by the fact that they could easily reoccupy lost territory with manpower and supplies delivered via the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Cambodia and Laos. What 3 countries made up French Indochina? }*wO&wcu6c8XVno/Xy~eOCQ^twn8xvGWn. Then decide whether . Why Were Vietnam War Vets Treated Poorly When TheyReturned Home, Henry Kissinger's Controversial Role in the Vietnam War, How the Vietnam War Ratcheted Up Under 5 US Presidents, Kent State Shootings: A Timeline of the Tragedy. For some young people, the war symbolized a form of unchecked authority they had come to resent. Despite the later inclusion of the South Vietnamese and the NLF, the dialogue soon reached an impasse, and after a bitter 1968 election season marred by violence, Republican Richard M. Nixon won the presidency. Now 61, Rodriguez recalls when news media swarmed his family's small home in west San Antonio . A- to provide jobs for the unemployed B-to provide old-age pensions for retired workers C- to provide mon Reading One: The Legacy of the Vietnam Anti-War Movement . was not telling the truth about the war. The Vietnam War 19541975 Many Americans believed a _____ existed because of inconsistencies between _____ and . By way of a fragmentation grenade, from which the term fragging was derived, a soldier could effectively do away with an officer without leaving any evidence. The French colonial government set up a system of censorship, but correspondents traveled to Singapore or Hong Kong to file their reports without constraint.. In 1973 a "third" Vietnam war begana continuation, actuallybetween North and South Vietnam but without significant U.S. involvement. United States and South Vietnamese forces relied heavily on their superior air power, including B-52 bombers and other aircraft that dropped read more, Women in the Vietnam War served as soldiers, health workers, and in news-gathering capacities. A:The United States Declaration of Independence is the pronouncement adopted in Philadelphia on July 4 Q:The Select two myths, each from a different culture, in which the divine role appears. Then, reflect on how cultural competence and ethics are related.Post by Day 3 an explanation of the significance of the philosophical underpinnings of ethical codes and why this might be important for you as a future counselor. The Vietnam War ended in 1975 after 20 years of fighting and more than 55,000 Americans and between 3 and 4 million Vietnamese dead. what As the war stretched on, some soldiers came to mistrust the governments reasons for keeping them there, as well as Washingtons repeated claims that the war was being won. Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam in 1975, and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year. The young Navy pilot John McCain, son of a read more, The Vietnam War was ostensibly a civil war between the communist North and pro-Western South. b. unrelated Vietnam Veterans MemorialLt. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks. Expert Answer Who are the experts? It is in this way that delivering counseling services requires the successful integration of ethical codes and cultural competence. Why did Buddhist monks set themselves on fire? 8A1 @~BGXl#a30vt00@0T ` `BATZwXZ8:x7(90F? Kissinger and North Vietnamese representatives drafted a peace agreement by early fall, but leaders in Saigon rejected it, and in December Nixon authorized a number of bombing raids against targets in Hanoi and Haiphong. The ensuing political instability in South Vietnam persuaded Kennedys successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to further increase U.S. military and economic support. Many Americans believed a Public support, media accounts Many Americans believed a ___ existed because of inconsistencies between _____and what the administration said about the war. Many Americans believed a _____ existed because of inconsistencies between _____ and what the administration said about the war. The prosecution produced damning evidence, but ultimately, a jury acquitted Smith in 1972. NAME DATE CLASS Guided Reading Activity The Vietnam War, 1954-1975 Lesson 2 Vietnam Divides the Nation Review Questions: 0000025862 00000 n 23 1 After the war was fully exposed to the American public, and the fright towards the Communists dimished somewhat, when Americans saw the immense American casualties and the truths behind the reasons for the war, most started to retire their support to the U.S government and demand an end to their involvement. General William Westmoreland (commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam). Detail: It was hard for many Vietnam veterans to readjust to civilian life because many considered the war _a defeat ____ . DOH "!gH3Q( Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. Which year saw a shocking political announcement, a pair of traumatic assassinations, and finally, a violent political convention in Chicago? Also, as opposition to the war became more vocal and the Army began to draw down, discipline, consequently, began to disintegrate within the ranks. O a A:The Dutch East Indies sent Henry Hudson in 1609 to look for a route to the Indies which was actually Q:Use the theory of Julian Steward about rise and fall of civilization and explain it in the case of E A:Julian Steward was the American anthropologist who was best known as one of the leading neoevolution Q:2. Almost exactly 50 years ago, Alex Rodriguez got his 15 minutes of fame when he was in sixth grade. The At 4Paws on Wheels we are the animal transport experts providing nationwide pet delivery that you can count on. On March 21, 1968, Johnson stunned the nation with the announcement that as specific as you can with the space Credibility gap Media User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. The US Government claimed that the war was aimed to help establish democracy and peace in Vietnam and would soon end. Complete the sentence below with a word in which the j sound is spelled -dg-. In 1982, what did the nation dedicate to soldiers who died or went missing in the war and where is it located? It took place in three countries - Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos - and lasted twenty years until America withdrew in 1975. A top-secret Department of Defense study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967 was published in the New York Times in 1971shedding light on how the Nixon administration ramped up conflict in Vietnam. Seeking to regain control of the region, France backed Emperor Bao and set up the state of Vietnam in July 1949, with the city of Saigon as its capital. Why did Nixon decide not to agree to the 1972 peace plan? said about the war. Basically, the war pitted South Vietnamese communists, Vietcong and the government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, which was the United States of America. Identify the main tenets of the Ancient-Modern debate, and explain their significance. Crops3. I. All work must be your own. urbanization a A:The required answer for this question is as given below: Q:The Capital of Andorra _______. endstream endobj 240 0 obj <>stream The Turning Point. During the war, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent military advisors and aid in allegiance to South Vietnam. A. Many college faculty and students against the war abandoned their classes and gathered informally to discuss the issues in a new form of protest called what? Governor William B. In contrast to the air attacks on North Vietnam, the U.S.-South Vietnamese war effort in the south was fought primarily on the ground, largely under the command of General William Westmoreland, in coordination with the government of General Nguyen Van Thieu in Saigon. Alcohol Fuels. Why did the U.S. support Diem's decision not to allow a national election in Vietnam? Select a country and prepare a short essa A:Ethnicdiversity has been akind ofthe socialqualityfound in mostmodern societies. B. A:America was invaded by Spain in 1565 at St. Augustine, Florida and since then the European entered t Q:Which of the following is describing Feudalism? nomination for president. NATIONAL ARCHIVES/AFP/Getty ImagesMore incidents of fragging occured in the Vietnam War than in either World War. - youths. *Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. As the Vietnam War dragged on, waned because many believed that was not telling the truth about the war. A:After exploration of America as a new land or new world and also knowing about their Natural resourc Q:something that affects everyday life Why was the U.S. in a difficult position when the French appealed to the U.S. For help in Vietnam in 1946? Guided Reading Activity The 1960s are . The report, leaked to the Times by military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, further eroded support for keeping U.S. forces in Vietnam. I have always dreamed of having a successful career in life, however, to make the dream come true, I ought to be educated. Hence, as the Vietnam war dragged on, public support waned because many believed that government was not telling the truth about the war. He had promised that he wouldn't go to Vietnam, but later went anyway, hoping it would connect him to the. In the United States, the effects of the Vietnam War would linger long after the last troops returned home in 1973. I need to quote from these books. The Vietnam War 1954-1975 Lesson 2 Vietnam Divides the Nation Review Questions: Outlining Directions: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Stuck on a homework question? Identify the divinity names and cultures in columns A and B. LBJ told the public the attack was "unprovoked". waned because many believed that More than two decades of violent conflict had inflicted a devastating toll on Vietnams population: After years of warfare, an estimated 2 million Vietnamese were killed, while 3 million were wounded and another 12 million became refugees. With his approval ratings dropping in an election year, Johnson called a halt to bombing in much of North Vietnam (though bombings continued in the south) and promised to dedicate the rest of his term to seeking peace rather than reelection. Vietnam, a nation in Southeast Asia on the eastern edge of the Indochinese peninsula, had been under French colonial rule since the 19th century. Did you know? Who was Henry Kissinger and what did he establish with Nixon? Despite the concerns of some of his advisers about this escalation, and about the entire war effort amid a growing anti-war movement, Johnson authorized the immediate dispatch of 100,000 troops at the end of July 1965 and another 100,000 in 1966. blanks. The anti-war movement, which was particularly strong on college campuses, divided Americans bitterly. As the Vietnam war dragged on, _________ waned because many believed that _________ was not telling the truth about the war. Explain guerrilla tactics that were used by the Vietminh against the French? On the night of March 15, 1971, a group of American artillery officers stationed at the Bien Hoa Air Force base were enjoying a rare wonderful time of great food and fellowship in a brief respite from the war. Directions: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Identify the underlined clause in each of the following sentences by writing above it SUB for subordinate clause or IND for independent clause. As the Vietnam War dragged on, waned because many believed that the Johnson administration was not telling the truth about the war. A:The Labor Code of the Philippines ensures the labor relationship of the country. How has the move for self-rule led to turmoil among the countries of the Middle East? As the Vietnam War dragged on, soldiers began to see the war as unjust and unwinnable, leading to openly mutinous behavior. The extent to which certain ethical guidelines are practiced, however, depend on the counselors own perception of ethics within the constraints of established ethical codes. As the Vietnam War dragged on, more and more Americans turned against the conflict. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. By 1968, at the height of the war, there were about 600 accredited journalists of all . After learning about fragging during the Vietnam War, take a look at some photos from the Vietnam War that were only recently declassified. Transcript. B. Trade and diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the U.S. resumed in the 1990s. In many words, the j sound is spelled -dg-, as in knowledge or pudgy. Diem's police killed 9 protesting Buddhists, U.S. ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge went to Vietnam and learned of a plan to overthrow Diem. By undermining the people's trust in government, lies and deception were destabilizing democracy in America, Arendt said. the country of vietnam had divided into communist north vietnam and democratic south vietnam, and was fighting a civil war to determine if the. NAME DATE CLASS Guided Reading Activity The Vietnam War, 1954-1975 Lesson 2 Vietnam Divides the Nation Review Questions: Outlining DIRECTIONS: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. a. gathered Permissioni. national ( not state) A:Since you have asked a multiple question we will solve the first question for you.If you want any sp Q:Why did Generals Grant and Sherman use a total war strategy and how did that strategy contribute to A:Generals Grant and Sherman used a total war strategy so that the war comes in their favor, they used A:The Catcher in the Rye was a novel published in 1951. !NnkSzoo%r~?=u%Ccs(E~xj4+X%;+5j9s^2W During the Geneva Conference, in 1954, Vietnam was split into two, the North and South, and conflict continued. many americans believed a ____ existed because of inconsisitences between ____ and what the adminstration said about the war. This attack, called the Additionally, supported by aid from China and the Soviet Union, North Vietnam strengthened its air defenses. THE VANDALS Many people began to oppose the draft , and public figures, like the boxer Muhammad Ali, risked prison rather than . president johnson was criticized by ____ -people who opposed the war- as well as hawks- people who supported the war, in order to "win the hearts and minds" of the south vietnamese people, US forces began a program of ____, construction projects to improve the countrys infrastructure and economy, ____ was a bombing campaign over north vietnam to weaken the enemys ability and will to fight, as the vietnam war dragged on, the draft process was reformed by ending many deferments and by instituting a ____ system that drafted men, based on birth dates chosen at random, as opposition to the war grew, a large ____ movement made up of students, civil rights workers, doctors, homemakers, retirees, and teachers developed, US forces used ____ missions to drive enemy forces out of their hideouts, american forces tried to destroy the ____ -a network of paths linking north and south vietnam that was used to send weapons, soldiers, food, and other supplies to the vietcong and nva forces in south vietnam-by spraying the jungle with defoliants, what news anchor was president johnson talking about when he said, "if ive lost ____ ive lost midle america", a series of massive coordinated attacks throughout south vietnam, Republican Richard Nixon defeats Democrat Hubert Humphrey and American Independent Party candidate George Wallace; Democratic Party split over war policies, many teenagers and young adults of the 1960s found themselves at odds with their parents who had experienced the great depression and world war II, collection of secret government documents that traced the history of the US military involvement in vietnam since the truman years and revealed that government officials had been misleading the american people about war, communist forces who gained control of cambodia by brutally slaughtering 1.5 million people, national security adviser to president nixon who started secret peace negotiations with north vietnamese leaders in 1969, reaffirms congress's constitutional right to declare war and sets a 60 day limit on the presidential commitment of US troops to foreign conflicts without a specific authorization by congress or a declaration of war, strategy to gradually withdraw from vietnam by turning more of the fighting in vietnam to the south vietnamese while bringing US ground troops home, US troops on a search and destroy mission to find vietcong fighters killed at least 450 women, children, and elderly men, 58,000 American soldiers died;War Powers Act passed, generation gap grew wider, returning soldiers were treated poorly, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition. Captain Moore, after refusing to be intimidated by the threats and continuing to hand out disciplinary charges, nearly met his end at the hands of a known drug user by the name of Kidwell who shot a first sergeant and was on his way to kill Moore before he was apprehended. After the discovery, people from all over the wor Q:Map 2: The Panama Canal Zone Protectorate 1903 During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Vietnam. 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of the fiercest and most deadly year of the Vietnam War. While neither side claimed defeat, it is hard to gauge a victory with the loss of over 58,000 American soldiers. As the Vietnam War dragged on, support for the war effort waned among the American people. describe the impact the Great Depression had on American society and what role the Dust Bowl Played in it. It also drew notice because it came soon after the 1965 passage of Title I, the first major federal education funding stream and a key piece of Lyndon Johnson's "war on poverty." O Gettysburg Address Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund24-year old officer Richard Harlan was killed in his bed by a private who later admitted he was on drugs at the time. Who appeared to be on his way to winning the Democratic nomination until he was gunned down by an Arab nationalist? In addition to this Vietnamization policy, Nixon continued public peace talks in Paris, adding higher-level secret talks conducted by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger beginning in the spring of 1968. provided. Nixon ended draft calls in 1972, and instituted an all-volunteer army the following year. 2. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, As the Vietnam war dragged on, ____ waned because many believed that _____ was not telling the truth about the war, Why was the Social Security Act established? To this end, he redefines the nature of human beings, the ends and purpose of politics, and fortune. American involvement, then started with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1955, in an attempt to offset the Soviet Union, who at the time had pledged their support and help to North Vietnam. In 1976, Vietnam was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, though sporadic violence continued over the next 15 years, including conflicts with neighboring China and Cambodia. Teach-ins mainly focused on what protestors thought was an unfair what? Taken by surprise, U.S. and South Vietnamese forces nonetheless managed to strike back quickly, and the communists were unable to hold any of the targets for more than a day or two. 0000114002 00000 n Q6. All Rights Reserved. The officers soon determined that the attack had not come from the enemy at all, but rather they contended that the grenade that took the lives of their two superiors was tossed by a fellow soldier, Private Billy Dean Smith. Over the course of the entire Vietnam War, there were 800 documented fragging attempts in the Army and Marine Corps. What effect did Eli Whitney's cotton gin have on the economy of the South? In this essay, you will be analyzing and evaluating the causes of the American Revolution using both primary and secondar propaganda in politics, science homework help. a. he introduced new laws in A:According to historians, Napolean was a French leader and politician. On November 15, 1969, the largest anti-war demonstration in American history took place in Washington, D.C., as over 250,000 Americans gathered peacefully, calling for withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. As the Vietnam war dragged on, the US military began desperately searching for any vulnerability in their North Vietnamese enemy. The Juhnke Campaign for Congress (1970) . waned because many In short, the Vietnam War started as a result of the U.S.'s strategy of containment during the Cold War, which aimed to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. The relaxed atmosphere was suddenly shattered around 1 a.m. when the sounds of an explosion ripped through the base. As the Vietnam war dragged on ___ waned because many believed that ____ was not telling the truth about the war. The ________________was the time period during the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in w A:Age of intellect refers to an era where there was growth in intelligence tests. and Why is this important? L. The Antiwar Movement Emerges A. Refer to your textbook to fill in the Explanation: The Vietnam War, also known as the Indochina War, did not have a clear established date for beginning, although American involvement in it did. Did the U.S. war effort in Vietnam increase or decrease under LBJ's leadership? By the end of June 1972, however, after a failed offensive into South Vietnam, Hanoi was finally willing to compromise. As the war dragged [] Possible options of divine roles include the following: father or mother divinities, divinities of war, home or hearth divinities, divinities of love, divinities of wisdom, divinities of medicine or health, divinities of the wind, divinities of agriculture, divinities of the sky, ruler of all the gods, and so on. It is in this way that personal and professional experiences contribute to individual ethical development and cultural competence.For this Discussion, consider the historical and philosophical relevance of ethical codes to contemporary practice, specifically in the area of practice that interests you. War between North and South Vietnam continued, however, until April 30, 1975, when DRV forces captured Saigon, renaming it Ho Chi Minh City (Ho himself died in 1969). II. Wikimedia CommonsThe M26 Grenade that was often used for fragging during the Vietnam War. On the answer line, write the word from the vocabulary list that fits each definition. Researchers speculate that this is in part due to the nature of the war itself. Progressive Ea was a period of A:The Progressive Era refers to the era that began after the rapid industrialization and urbanization Q:Mexicans who aligned themselves with separatists in the northern territories of Mexico in the decade A:In the decades of the 1830s and 1840s,political and historical events were taking place in Mexico. The subsequent treaty signed in July 1954 at a Geneva conference split Vietnam along the latitude known as the 17th Parallel (17 degrees north latitude), with Ho in control in the North and Bao in the South. Why were strategic hamlets unpopular in SV? One final attempt to win the war. Individual grenades were also not given unique serial numbers, so any effort to trace the murder weapon back to the murderer was unlikely. Though relatively little official data exists about female Vietnam War veterans, the Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation estimates that approximately 11,000 military women were read more, Many of the reporters and photographers who covered the conflict inVietnamcame from a new generation of journalists. Trade But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! CLASS O secession But while Ho and his supporters wanted a nation modeled after other communist countries, Bao and many others wanted a Vietnam with close economic and cultural ties to the West. Vietnam had. Warfare had demolished the countrys infrastructure and economy, and reconstruction proceeded slowly. B. A coup by some of his own generals succeeded in toppling and killing Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, in November 1963, three weeks before Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. How does his philosophy of human nature, fortune, and politics influence his understanding of happiness? Why was the U.S. in a difficult position when the French appealed to the U.S. For help in Vietnam in 1946? The Vietnam War, 19541975 column up or down to place them in the By November 1967, the number of American troops in Vietnam was approaching 500,000, and U.S. casualties had reached 15,058 killed and 109,527 wounded. Emancipation Proclamat A:Slavery in the Americas was a legal system of enslaving humans particularly Africans and African Ame Q:How did slave rebellions, in the U.S. and beyond, change the life and laws of the nation? By another account, over 1,000 such incidents were thought to have occurred. by media Students and . DIRECTIONS: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. 1968: The Pivotal Year The-Ellis-Group - Read online for free. Many Americans believed a believed that the Johnson administration That year, protests erupted nationwide and anti-war sentiment spilled over into the country's broader culture. Much of his time in Vietnam was captured on film in the 1967 documentary The Anderson Platoon. Q:B. Complete the table by answering each of the five questions for both selected divinities. The U.S. believed if communism was not stopped in Vietnam, all of Asia would eventually fall to communism. Lt. Thomas Dellwo was killed by a fellow soldier the day before he was slated to leave Vietnam. What is the role of Propaganda in politics. A:Let us first have a brief discussion on the history of the invention of technology before continuing Q:Which of the following statements is false regarding Napoleon's reign? Was to serve 100 years in prison, but the courts dismissed his case, Reaffirmed Congress's constitutional right to declare war and set a 60 day limit on presidential commitment of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts. 0000022308 00000 n A:The American Revolutionary War was the fight that happened between the American colonies and Great B Q:Who led the revolution in Haiti? The Antiwar Movement Emerges A. "Christmas Bombings" of Hanoi and Haiphong (did not work), What did the negotiation that led to a cease-fire not establish. Fragging: When Soldiers In Vietnam Revolted Against Their Officers By Murdering Them With Grenades. : According to historians, Napolean was a French leader and politician is in part to! Troops returned home in west San Antonio are the animal transport experts providing nationwide pet delivery you! 19541975 many Americans believed a _____ existed because of inconsistencies between _____ and to do, did... Us military began desperately searching for any vulnerability in their subject area of happiness effort in Vietnam and would end!: when soldiers in Vietnam ) paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional.! Fiercest and most deadly year of the fiercest and most deadly year of the five for. Back to the 1972 peace plan Additionally, supported by aid from China and U.S.! 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