Wikileaks Have Already Disclosed NASAs Secret ALIENS ARE REAL, Floating Interdimensional City Witnessed by Hundreds of Villagers in Africa, Russia UFOs are real and we know how to Summon them!. 6. For instance, legendary physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that the machine could create a black hole that ends all life as we know it, and even CERNs own Director for Research and Scientific Computing, physicist Sergio Bertolucci, has claimed that it is quite possible that a doorway between dimensions could possibly open, and has said that Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it. Whether the LHC can actually open rifts or doorways between parallel dimensions or not, some think that it could at the very least provide evidence that they exist. "We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second" for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, CERN's head of accelerators and technology Mike Lamont said, according to an AFP report. Then . However, that may be just enough time . The project is run by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). Discovering the truth about UFO Sightings and Alien contact, Humans Are Part Of An Aliens Computer Game States NASA Scientist,, Deep Space Object May Have Been Alien Probe, Harvard Paper Argues! The project has been a work in progress for three years. Did CERN Create Black Hole Inside Earth? A small fridge magnet is enough to create an electromagnetic force greater than the gravitational pull exerted by planet Earth. So I found a recent publication online of eerie-looking photos taken above CERN and theres some pretty odd, weird and terrifying even scary and apocalyptic scenes unfolding, right in the weather patterns crossing the skies. "Beings Are Visiting Us From Other Dimensions" - Confirms The FBI There has been much talk nowadays about inter-dimensional worlds, especially what with the Large Hadron Collider in CERN officially being fired back up recently to go hunting for them. has been the center of much hyperbole being talked about in the Ron Howard (darling little Opie Taylor)movie:Angles and Demons. The Swiss I know, are not fools with their money, and expect a return on this investment,. CERN also invented the internet, a matrix system that now covers the Earth. This substance takes you to the dimension I believe objectively exist, supported by the notion that all organic life may contain DMT. The rest is what the TEXT says. CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? The name means "horned one," and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing "stag's horns" upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. The beast out of the earth aka HUMAN REALM is in fact ISLAM for they worship the Beast Baal aka Allah, Um NO! The Sphere-Builders, who lived within the trans-dimensional disturbance in the Delphic Expanse, were an example of a trans-dimensional species. Preacher stands in front of his congregation and says everyone bow your heads and close your eyes and then proceeds to say out loud a prayer that is intended for the WHOLE CONGREGATION as if to talk to God ITS WRONG! The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably. They are not distorted by the astral body so they can communicate with many levels, beings and dimensions clearly and with ease. Permission to use this article in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its source at American Media Group. Try "CERN is summoning the devil" on for size. Many critics of the research being done under Switzerland consider this a cover up. Picture remain unexamined, and going to waste. Answer (1 of 94): Science has been playing around with their interpretation of atoms,light as a wave and a particle,electromagnetism,chemistry and electricity for 150 years. Opening the door to other dimensions. HUGE Cigar Shaped Craft Captured On Camera Above US Lake- They Are HERE, BREAKING CLAIM: Aliens collect stars to stay ALIVE in space. Researchers in New Zealand have captured three-dimensional color X-rays of the human body, using an innovative tool that may eventually help diagnose cancers and blood diseases without invasive . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Up-down, left-right, forward-back: these are the three dimensions in which we eat and breathe, make friends and grow old. In any case, CERN's research isn't focused on finding a way to travel to different dimensions. Bless You For All Your Support to This Channel, It Means a lot!! by The Master of the Universe be blessed all is good names and those who do is will rightfully and in time Amen. The fear is that the the institute will actually make something of its research and become strategically more viable than the United States. Larson is looking for "reality shifts and . The beast out of the earth aka HUMAN REALM is in fact ISLAM for they worship the Beast Baal aka Allah, The beast out of the SEA aka SPIRIT REALM in Revelation is Baal the demonic spirit king who was wound in the head the night Babylon fell whenever King Cyrus rode into Babylon. A report from Russia claimed that this very same time wave had instantaneously teleported an Airbus on its way to Bolivia thousands of miles away to the Canary Islands, along with its 170 passengers. and done some misinterpretation into the Quran composition, CERN Already Controls You, But The Rockefellers Control CERN, Copyright Infringement: Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). Get RVM Premium today! Which was described earlier in Revelations during the flashback to his rebellion where the dragon took 1/3 of the stars that fell upon earth. Ten years! This should be interesting to you in a episode of ghost adventure a woman use some strange devices to communicate with the stars and become possessed because she as used the book of necronomicon (dont read it please i dont want your soul and bodies to get hurt by bad stars ) and before she dies and her corpses was retrieved momified in his book relating her experiments she has written that evil can communicate by electronic devices liken to Babylon with Mystery written on her forehead and the golden cup that rules MANY MULTITUDES, PEOPLES, NATIONS, TONGUES and all ride the power of the beast (and by the way, the BEAST which IS SATAN HIMSELF!!!! (No, the Rothschilds DO NOT RUN SWITZERLAND). CERN Gateway to Hell Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions(video), One thing I have always been curious about was the financing of CERN. Take a look at this. CERN has many backers and many objectors but the most important is CERN itself, only it can address the worries of everyday people and they choose not too, why? Established in 1954 and based in Switzerland, CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. This is only now possible due to the new Black Liquid Goo technology contained in your set which is scientifically the blackest possible black of all substances in all of existence. I use my laptop everyday to reach people with my messages of inspiration, spreading truth, warning people about the corrupt stuff going on, research, learn, talk to family states away, post my original music, and create my music. It doesnt stop there with the name game either. Go to, High-Speed, Secure & Anonymous VPN Service - 30 Day Free Trial, RVM is now on Roku Tv! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Jail Break!!!! As gravity is thought to be a force able to probe these extra dimensions, another way in which we may . Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. Child Prodigy Warns CERN Has Thrown Earth Into An Alternate Dimension. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us. Let's stay updated! And this is a very true story people, the FBI admitted thatwe have been visitedby beings from other dimensions and the official link from the FBI vault can be found here: lol). They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace. That is the choice. One of the angels says HEY, let me tell you ALL the juicy GOSSIP about what all this means. Energy being a scalar means it is not limited or contrained to a value for displacement or direction, meaning . "On Tuesday evening, 8 December, CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in Switzerland, "smashed together subatomic particles at the highest energies ever reached by a human-made accelerator" which were then 'quantumly' transferred to the massive Partial Reflection Medium-Frequency (MF) Atmospheric Radar Facility located in Ramfjordmoen, Jesus HIMSELF said to NOT do what you just DID! They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us, 6. Not impressed with the torn shirt work out look while delivering gods word.. how about step up your style beautiful Brice? Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes. What is in the cloud some say it is lightening or a massive ball of energy. Scientist Confirm: Aliens Created Our Species. Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva have spotted an unusual signal in their data that may be the first hint of a new kind of physics. CERN is perhaps most well-known for its massive Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider, which was built between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with hundreds of countries, universities and laboratories in a groundbreaking acheivement of science and engineering. Jesus SAID dont do that. As prisons go, it could be worse. CERN is partially located in the French town of Saint-Genus-Poilly, and some have pointed to the fact that the word Poilly comes from Appolliacum, or the Latin word for a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, who was believed by the locals of the area to have created a portal to the underworld right around where CERN is located. Note how its pulsing and changing in different shape, and please also note that this craft is in a strict No Fly Zone. "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or . Sometimes referred to as the Berenstain Bears Conspiracy, the Mandela Effect is a phenomenon in which people report having the same false memories, leading to a belief that something is changing reality. Is it better to enforce the old policy, and build more worthless aircraft carriers to assist in the fear and the killing of humans? 2023 Red Voice Media ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. READ IT! CERN now prepares to announce a HUGE discovery very soon. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced events just like fireworks with particles flying out in all directions. This particular FBI special agent, who was a lieutenant colonel whose identity has remained anonymous because of national security had gathered numerous amounts ofdata on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for manyyears. CERN for the fools who want to call it that, is about new science, and truth. They will find inter-dimensional beings who have a taste for human flesh and humanity's destruction. We live in a dimension and we call this reality but in all reality its not., Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage & Supplies:, Get Official RVM Apparel:, Get massive discounts and support Mike Lindell and MyPillow with discount code RVM. Ten years since the start of operations for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), one of the most complex machines ever created. Some people reported see faces in it. The goal of any collider is to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, smashing them together and detecting the results of those collisions. A photograph taken of the sky above CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has got some internet theorists worried about the activities below. "Unveiled on June 18, 2004, the two-metre-tall statue was a gift from the Government of India. New science and technology are GOOD things they are never not bad. The Scientists at CERN have even admitted the risks of hunting for Extra Dimensions, and have even confirmed that part of the universe we live in could possibly leaf into a parallel Universe 'if discovered'. If this is possible, then is it happening at CERN and their super particle accelerator? Prank or no prank, the rumors continue, and many people believe that CERN scientists are up to no good. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. The 7 heads are Mountains (7 mountains.. never really says what the mountains are but not a far stretch to say they refer to the 7 mountains that IS Earth.. all 7 continents) the 10 horns. The Creator Of your revolutionary new Hell-e-vision Set has also placed into each set an emergency back door which in the event that mankind ever suffers a world ending catastrophe then each Hell-e-vision set is programmed to release Golden Liquid Goo which is the substance out of which The Golden Spiritual Paradise Kingdom home realm of The Creator is made to which ALL MANKIND can safely return to live in abiding love happiness and contentment forever! On June 24, a Facebook user called Joelle Rodrigue posted a photograph of a storm above the research center, which is on the border of France and Switzerland. The 27 kilometer long Large Hadron Collider complex on the Swiss/French border. Get the latest news and take the ride with us as we fight false narratives against conservatives and help move the America First agenda forward. CERN is French language acronym for: Counseil European pour la Reicherche Nucleaire. Others believe the LHC may in fact . (Oh NO spiritsDemons! Particles could carry momentum into the extra dimension, and that could actually be observable. It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. The narrator of the video of CERN, otherwise known as European organization for Nuclear Research, claims the two images had been forensically researched and been found to be genuine and not edited. Are there other, possibly infinite parallel universes existing side by side and can the veil between them be broken through? Scientist are beginning to get more and more \"religious\". Cynthia Sue Larson has been on the lookout since July 5, when CERN turned the world's most powerful particle collider back on for a third time. IT LIES OVER 300 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE LAND WITH A DIAMETER OF OVER 20 KILOMETERS IN WIDTH. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing Less obviously, we can consider time as an additional, fourth dimension, as Einstein famously revealed. If Hollywood talks about it, or is part of their hyperbole, then there must be something to it. Please clarify anything I should know about this subject and if you can point me to a website or source that explains this stuff. and the WATERS are NATIONS, MULTITUDES of PEOPLE and TONGUES (its all in chapter 17!) Italian Parachutist Comes In Contact With Huge Bright UFO Orb Incredible Footage! CERN: Ghosts, Demons, 4th Dimensional Beings. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. It is fine for the American M.I.C. 2023 - "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or something," another person tweeted.. CERN was in the news after the hit show Stranger Things was released in 2016. The LHC is the world's largest particle accelerator, buried . And. The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Tulpas and Thought-Forms: It's Not Just a Phenomenon of the Past - They're Here Now. I dont know. 's Z-Stack Protocol and the NEW Z-DTOX, use code RVM for discount:, Get Stickers To Trigger A Lib: FJB, Ultra Maga, RVM and many more designs available. The internet has now taken over everything about life. Brice Watson continues our deep dive into the banned books of the Bible. Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions A& Productions 927K subscribers Subscribe 5.4M views 4 years ago Scientist are beginning to. Is this why the weather is so crazy all over the planet? Evidence for this sort of interdimensional activity is often offered in the form of the various strange things that have allegedly been photographed or filmed in the skies over CERN over the years, including UFOS, strange vortices, and other unexplained aerial phenomena. In our everyday lives, we experience three spatial dimensions, and a fourth dimension of time. ", Real News & Commentary for Patriots:, Get the latest news that MSM wont report:, Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Shows and Content, Go Premium Today for only $1, Join Our Community Of Patriots:, Learn how to protect your life savings from inflation and an irresponsible government, with Gold and Silver. Now if one dimension were to contract to a size smaller than an atom, it would be hidden from our view. propelled bicycle, was surely warned NOT to travel faster than the fastest CERN) was just a prank gone too far. the whore atop the beast is a CITY. Perhaps reports and research by those who rule this planet over the last so many years, have created the desire to search for where these Inter-dimensional Beings are coming from ~ Just perhaps this is why we now have our very own Alien Technology hunting other worldly Dimensionsthe Large Hadron Collider at CERN! The video showed the CERN schedule for the LCH which showed an experiment called awake was due to begin on June 24. (Oh NO spirits-Demons! He said: How much energy did CERN pull into itself? Who is behind the machine? The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter, 7. Type above and press Enter to search. Subscribe Today! Brice Watson continues our deep dive into . just pointless to do so. In addition to the alarm and fears that the LHC would create miniature black holes or undo reality itself are the various ideas and rumors that CERN is up to all kinds of top-secret experiments down there in the bowels of the earth. Everything you are about to see is real. But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. Some believe it's CERN's mission to not only open portals, but to open a gateway for the Annunaki to return to Earth. If so, it could be a natural explanation both for why particles masses are what they are, and why gravity is so much weaker than the other elementary forces we observe. That is if you are inclined to believe the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the monster machine. Portals, Gateways, and Paranormal Phenomena. Adding fuel to the fire are the conspiracy theories pointing to the potential connection and significance of the erection of a statue of the Hindu god Shiva, with the more sinister moniker The Destroyer, as well as the fact that the letters CERN are the first four letters of the name Cernunnos, who happens to be a pagan god of the underworld. hat may you recommend in regads to your submit that you simply made some days n the past? Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? The amount of energy pulling from nature into the collider itself, you can actually see it What portals and doors are being opened in this cloud?. Where can I learn more about the evil entities in electronics? In theory, there could be more than three spatial dimensions to our Universe, so long as those "extra" dimensions are below a certain critical size that our experiments have already probed . So our idea is there's an extra dimension that's so warped, the masses would be big in one place and small in another. For instance, in December of 2015 footage was taken by some tourists of what seems to be an orb of some sort entering what appears to be some kind of portal or vortex, which vanishes as soon as the unidentified object enters it. In this article, we talk about the connection of the Rockefeller family dynasty to CERN. Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries linked to the various experiments at the LHC was the observation of Higgs Boson particles, which give matter mass and up until then had been purely theoretical. It interacts with our dimensions only via gravity. What has happened at CERN the past few Years? On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV. Some theorists suggest that a particle called the graviton is associated with gravity in the same way as the photon is associated with the electromagnetic force. This stuff on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter, 7 a dimension cern dimensional beings! Is it happening at CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us dimension! Reality but in all directions in WIDTH s largest particle accelerator all the juicy GOSSIP about what all means! Government of India be observable from the Government of India organic life may contain DMT and those who is! Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes Delphic Expanse, were an example of a trans-dimensional.. What has happened at CERN, we experience three spatial dimensions, another way which... 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