Ochoco Divide Group Site. I learned a lot from both of them. A little dusting of snow on the trail, but that was it. This property has it all. Anything other than a sports car can make it up the road. Shade is somewhat sparse on the first part of the hike, but there's plenty on the way down. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area (La Grande): Lands west of Foothill Road closed to entry Feb. 1 - March 31. No snow and amazing views. Pretty icy right now but was easy with micro spikes. Follow the white diamonds on the trees and you'll be good to go. Community Outreach; Ag Team; Education. it was so green and lush this time. The second factor is the timing of last years rut. I would probably go counter clockwise next time to see if there is a different outcome. The trail itself has both packed snow and ice. Photo by Rob Tanner. (503) 947-6022 But an increasing number of hunters are deciding that if you cant beat them, join them. Only naturally shed antlers, antlers detached from the skull, or a skull split apart can be sold or exchanged. Respect road and area closures. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. We hiked June 27, 2021 on a day that reached 106 deg. Hiked this trail just after thanksgiving. Great trail, but DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS TRAIL AS OF THE WRITING OF THIS REVIEW 2/11/2022. Armed with nothing more than a good set of eyes, looking for a deer or elk's shed antlers in late winter and early . One of my favorite trails so far. Got the heart rate up but wasnt too hard for us middle aged folks! Absolutely AMAZING hike. Excellent hike with beautiful views! Perfect for a sunset. Glass the hillsides from the trailhead, or look for recent sign like fresh hoof prints or scat on the ground. ODFW Home | Driving Directions | Ive hunted deer in the ochocos a lot but never elk. For more information, contact Chad Dotson, Zumwalt Project Steward at chad.dotson@tnc.org Protect Zumwalt Prairie Preserve Photo by Rob Tanner. Friday, April 9, 2021 - 11:35 AM MDT Shed hunting can have deadly implications for animals weakened by the rigors of winter As anxious shed antler hunters prepare to take to Idaho's hills in search of fresh bounty, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game urges them to avoid stressing wildlife trying to survive the late winter storms. Plus a few people. Wildflowers!! The information, part of an article in NDA's Quality Whitetails magazine, included these useful tips for locating sheds: 1. It takes you miles past it and up another right turn dirt road. Chad Bettridge said. Such a fun little hike with a super cool viewpoint! Respect private lands and follow all road and area restrictions. It was exceptional weather and made a great hike. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE 8,200 acres $11,750,000 Antlers are the fastest-growing bone that isnt cancerous or prenatal. So, how does one play this game of hide and seek? Dont follow Apple Maps to the trailhead. I recommend going clockwise on this hike to avoid having to go up the steepest inclines. Trail is in great condition and the views are gorgeous. Tel. "During winter, big game animals, especially deer, often have a difficult time finding food," DWR Law Enforcement Capt. Only a little snow left on the trail full of hills perfect leg workout. The drive up was sketchy. But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and. Plus a few people. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. Coming down is very treacherous for unprepared vehicles. Easy hike when not it is not icy. My Apple Watch from our car said 4.60 miles total. We went a bit further and went all the way down. Got the heart rate up but wasnt too hard for us middle aged folks! That bill originally called for making nonresidents wait three days before joining the quest for shed antlers. It is the premier magazinewith writing and photography worthy of a coffee table bookfor anyone interested in buying or selling land from coast to coast. For questions about travel management plans or areas protected, contact your local U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management or Fish and Game regional office. as long as you watch for where to turn, the path is pretty clear. Williams FP-Hawken Receiver Mounted Rear Peep Sight With Target Knobs - 1342. Good trail for horses. The road to the trailhead was very manageable. It takes your breath away when you round the bend and see Steins Pillar looming ahead. Snow is beginning to melt, but refreezing due to elevation. Nonetheless, I would guess that 25,000-50,000 acres are treated this way in any given year in our part of the state. Would be a 5-star hike for me were it not for the mile or so at the end where you're on the main road. Dog friendly and at the end there is a little water for them to drink. Upland Bird Hunting; Waterfowl Hunting; Skiing; Sold Properties; Listing with Fay. Following up on my last trip out shed hunting, I went out in search for more antler sheds on public land. And a companion measure, also headed to Gordon's desk, would require nonresidents over age 15 to purchase a $21.50 Wyoming conservation stamp before shed hunting here. Dog friendly and at the end there is a little water for them to drink. it was so green and lush this time. Cool temps. One of my favorite trails so far. ALLTRAILS and the AllTrails Mountain Design are registered trademarks of AllTrails, LLC in the United States as well as certain other jurisdictions. The antlers show up better then. Perfect for a sunset. Follow the white diamonds on the trees and you'll be good to go. I love the Mill Creek Wilderness. If you can, hunt during a light rain or on cloudy days. The antlers are covered by velvet throughout this growth period, before hardening to bone in late July-early August for elk and late August-early September for deer. Posts: 5,354. jennings lodge, oregon. I recommend going clockwise on this hike to avoid having to go up the steepest inclines. Beautiful area but couldnt get there - gate locked on road and then after parking farther away tried to walk there but road didnt go there and private land w no trespassing signs - oh well it started to rain anyways. The road to the trailhead is an ice rink nearly the whole way up. Keep in mind that just because you can drive somewhere doesn't mean you should. Which makes it so amazing! No bugs except a tiny wet area in the very beginning but that doesnt really count. Tags Great trail. Plus a few people. Fun viewpoint with a little elevation! Often that little jolt or bump is all they need to drop. If the annual moisture amount was higher, elk will hang on to their headgear longer. But the last 2 miles of dirt road to the trailhead are not great - doable but tough in a regular SUV. Fun small rock scrambling at the end for novices. Ft. 317 SE Stetson Ct #78, Prineville, OR 97754. Fun up and down grade. It takes you miles past it and up another right turn dirt road. I recommend going clockwise on this hike to avoid having to go up the steepest inclines. A little bit like Smith rocks without all the people. We got to trailhead at 7am and were back at car by 9:30am after numerous stops for photos and flora IDs. It was exceptional weather and made a great hike. Pretty easy terrain. Others collect sheds to make chandeliers or other crafts. No one there. Cool temps. Fun viewpoint with a little elevation! For hunters, it can open up new aspects of the whitetail life cycle as you become familiar with . Anything other than a sports car can make it up the road. But you WILL need boots with spikes, or things like YakTrax. Shed hunting can make for a great family outing. 1; 2; 2 of 2 Go to page. Road doable in a passenger vehicle. Road doable in a passenger vehicle. Turkey production and survival were not limiting factors in 2020. Lyman Pachmayr TC-A Adapter (only) For T-C Contender Forend. Beautiful views but be prepared to cross the river numerous times. Shade. Pretty icy right now but was easy with micro spikes. 2,270 Sq. The views are amazing. A little bit like Smith rocks without all the people. Cabin Lake-Silver Lake Winter Range (Paulina, Silver Lake, Fort Rock Units): Closed to motor vehicle use Dec. 1 - March 31. Great views and saw no one until the way back. Mar 17, 2016 Mar 17, 2016 Updated Dec 20, 2017; 0; . A little dusting of snow on the trail, but that was it. The Ochoco Mountains were formed by 300 to 200-million-year-old rock that was slowly uplifted by volcanic eruptions. A little dusting of snow on the trail, but that was it. I do not recommend lowered vehicles. Theres gold in them hills! Great views and saw no one until the way back. FIND YOUR WAY OUTSIDE is a trademark of AllTrails, LLC. Got the heart rate up but wasnt too hard for us middle aged folks! Beautiful wilderness area. According to a 2013 article in Montana FWPs. From the turn off to the trail head it is 2 miles. Mark David, who was archery hunting on private ground in northwest Oregon, arrowed a bull on Saturday evening. Lizards and toads. You can get to the base of the pillar. Steins Pillar is fun to see too. You can use them to spot shed antlers from a distance, but you can also use them to spot far-away herds and know to avoid those areas, at least for the time being. Shed hunters can take the following steps to protect big game while enjoying their sport: Don't disturb big game animals: Don't approach animals or follow the same ones on a daily basis. Sheds lying on top of each other in 2006 near Paisley. Bring a couple of waters and enjoy! Not muddy, no ice or snow. Using a spotting scope or even just binoculars can save a person some time and energy combing the hillsides with their eyes instead of their thighs. From the right anglelooking down from abovethese trails are obvious on a hillside. Definitely recommend the trail. Started a mile back from the TH as the road was solid packed ice. But you WILL need boots with spikes, or things like YakTrax. Shed Hunting means tracking down antlers dropped by bucks after the rutting season. Even with traction devices, you may end up in a bad way. You may have trained Rover to ignore deer and elk, but thats no reason to let your pooch run hogwild through the foothills. Wildflowers!! Look for low-hanging branches or brush that may encourage an antler to drop. Great hike! No one there. The dirt road in from Mill Creek Road starts out ok-ish, and quickly turns into a real hazardous situation due to thick ice coating the ruts. No bugs except a tiny wet area in the very beginning but that doesnt really count. Great views and saw no one until the way back. One small water crossing in the beginning. Not muddy, no ice or snow. Meadows of wild flowers. Beautiful quiet trail that is easy to navigate and not too strenuous. Super fun hike! Rob Tanner and Troy Capps, founders of Oregon Shed Hunters, pictured after they found 48 sheds in one day, their best-ever day of shed hunting (in 2004 near Christmas Valley, Ore.). Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. Michelle.N.Dennehy@state.or.us, About Us | Fishing | Crabbing & Clamming | Big Game Hunting | Game Bird Hunting | Wildlife Viewing | License / Regs | Conservation | Living with Wildlife | Education | Workday Login. It was rugged enough to be interesting but still manageable for him and a 14 year old dog. From the turn off to the trail head it is 2 miles. I kept looking for the another buck and got one in my sights. Mary Jo Murtagh D. R. Horton, Inc Portland. Dont follow Apple Maps to the trailhead. Check it out.#antlers #deer #hunting as long as you watch for where to turn, the path is pretty clear. Explore Ochoco Shed/Morel Hunting - view hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you. This hike is a beautiful one through the trees, with an amazing view of the wilderness area near the top of the hike. View photos, research land, search and filter more than 346 listings | Land and Farm Would be a 5-star hike for me were it not for the mile or so at the end where you're on the main road. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. Trailhead was busy on Fourth of July but there was still parking. Only a little snow left on the trail full of hills perfect leg workout. My 4 year old did it without issues. We stayed cool on the morning shaded trail, but would be in full sun in afternoon. Multiple outbuildings including detached garage/shop, greenhouse, & storage shed. No bugs except a tiny wet area in the very beginning but that doesnt really count. The pillar rock is a little disappointing when you get to it but still worth it. Fun up and down grade. From the turn off to the trail head it is 2 miles. A wonderful hike. The trail itself has both packed snow and ice. Here are some last minute tips, when you begin to find sheds start your . This time period also happens to be a critical one for big game. If you don't have chains or sided tires, you don't stand a chance, and will likely end up sideways, or worse. There is lookout point at 1.2 miles of Steins Pillar, but continue on as it is more impressive up close and the trail has some new interests. Keep your search humane and. Youll see the brown trailhead sign for pillars trail. Photos courtesy of Oregon Shed Hunters. The wild flower show was mostly over but it was an unusually hot and dry spring. These are in place to protect winter range and wintering big game. Shed hunting is a popular activity and an exciting remedy for cabin fever. Nice trail, we just hiked to the first viewpoint of the "Pillar" which reduced the mileage to 2 3/4 miles RT. Metolius Winter Range (Metolius Unit): Closed to motor vehicle use Dec. 1 - March 31. The trail was great! In the winter, steeper slopes will also help elk save a few more ounces of energy because they dont have to move as far from bed to food. Modern optics can be your friend for shed hunting, just like they are when hunting. Trailhead was busy on Fourth of July but there was still parking. Had to do a bit of bushwhacking to get in too of the butte itself. No snow on the trail. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using, . Loved the trail and surprised near the end. Shed hunters can alleviate potential negative impacts by following these simple steps while still enjoying the activity. Helpful but not absolutely necessary. Turn around and go about 3/4 mile and watch for a dirt road on your left now. Dog friendly and at the end there is a little water for them to drink. Definitely recommend a vehicle with high clearance as other commentators mentioned. It has enjoyable views throughout the trail. Climbed to the pillar it was great! Thousands of animals use these ranges and keeping them free of human disturbance is the highest priority during a crucial time of year. The regions Ive guided are heavily populated with elk, so Ive stumbled upon a lot of their sheds. PREVIOUS POSTS . Some activity but wasn't packed. Towns are small and friendly and offer all the necessities for hungry or . it's so beautiful, and not nearly as busy as the Deschutes or Willamette National Forests. FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, humans have used shed antlers as raw materials for tools. There is lookout point at 1.2 miles of Steins Pillar, but continue on as it is more impressive up close and the trail has some new interests. It was rugged enough to be interesting but still manageable for him and a 14 year old dog. Elk antlers can weigh 30-40 pounds. No snow on the trail. Deer and elk energy reserves are low at this time of year. We went a bit further and went all the way down. But the peak of shed hunting season in late winter/early spring also coincides with tougher weather and less forage availability for big game, making it a vulnerable time for wildlife. Bryant Mt (Klamath Falls Unit): Closed to motor vehicle use Nov. 1 - April 15. Bring first aid supplies, easy to fall and get minor scrapes due to it being rocky in certain areas. A growing number of people take to the woods during winter, looking for the antlers that have been shed by Oregons deer and elk. Shade is somewhat sparse on the first part of the hike, but there's plenty on the way down. Use trail-cameras to monitor antler shedding. Trail is well groomed and you cant get lost. Cool temps. Give the road a few more weeks to thaw! Fun but bring water and non slip shoes not flip flops. Great short hike. Shed hunt responsibly and legally. It takes your breath away when you round the bend and see Steins Pillar looming ahead. I know some dudes hunt right on the edge of private near some big ranches. Description list of trails I want to try and find elk/deer sheds and morel mushrooms from VIEW FULL MAP Reviews (323) Easy 4.2 (21) Mill Creek Wilderness Trail The trail itself has both packed snow and ice. Agree that earlier is better, as about 30% of trail is exposed. Which makes it so amazing! Deer and elk still rely on fat reserves to get through winter, mild or not, and with nutrient-dense spring vegetation still weeks away, bumping deer and elk off their winter ranges while looking for sheds can have potentially lethal effects. If you don't have chains or sided tires, you don't stand a chance, and will likely end up sideways, or worse. Was a nice hike up and down, the views are great on the rock to the left of Steins Pillar. At 8:00 a.m. the morning before opening day, cars and truckssome pulling fifth wheel campers or loaded horses trailerslined up on the Refuge Road. The general elk hunting season begins in October and the rugged terrain is home to two types of elk, Rocky Mountain and Roosevelt. Do you have a question or comment for ODFW? worth the time.. It was really good to see and hear the creek running after such a dry summer. Went today and it was beautiful. Very bright green and lots of elevation up and down but not hard. Download high resolution photo. Trail is well groomed and you cant get lost. Lots of varieties of flowers and nice scenery. Definitely not super easy, but then again I have asthma and my lungs just loved the uphills. People who collect shed antlers are allowed to sell or exchange them, but certain rules apply. The dirt road in from Mill Creek Road starts out ok-ish, and quickly turns into a real hazardous situation due to thick ice coating the ruts. Those gathering during fewer than 10 consecutive days receive a permit for free; otherwise the permit is $20. U.S. Forest Service. Attached 898 sq ft office/bunkhouse offers vaulted ceilings, pelletstove, kitchen . The road to the trailhead was very manageable. I was a moderate train that is best hiked in the morning to mitigate the sun. 2. Asthma and my lungs just loved the uphills the second factor is the timing of last years.! For making nonresidents wait three days before joining the quest for shed hunting means tracking down antlers by! See Steins Pillar looming ahead you miles past it and up another right turn dirt road at car by after. 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