soulmate pick a card tumblr

They may think that youre too good for them and all that drama with the inferiority. I feel like your person will be a bit stubborn and you will fight on who will need to pay for the food. Very sexual as well and is not good at expressing their emotions. Theyre very cute , King of Wands, Page of Swords, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Judgement. Hows your mama doin btw. Im sorry if Im not what you expect. Theyre literally a Tsundere if you know what those are. Ill finally have time to work out how much I want and learn how much I want and what I want. Youre going to try to explain to them that its not the case and that they should stop doing what theyre doing but they might pull the but I love you bby scheme on you, dont take their bullshit. I am "brave", you could say, because I carry a certain amount of FAITH in my protectors and I KNOW that they will not let me down during hard times. Speaking through my own experience since Im the type of person who wouldve chosen this pile most likely lol. Yeah, they might love gardening and might like to take care of animals. Pick any of the pictures above to get an insight of what the person you think about thinks about you. You said you wanna get a message from me, right? Youll see them as someone very gentle. If you dont relate to this, then maybe this isnt your pile or youre not aware of this (which isnt quite the case for many of you). I will not do an official outro today, so Ill just leave it here, but I do want you guys to remember to take care of yourselves, especially as we are entering into the colder months of the year. This is the type of obsession Gomez has towards Morticia. They aint the one, so get lost. In the image below, see which card you resonate with, 1, 2 or 3, and then scroll down to the corresponding pile for your reading! You should be true to yourself and listen to your heart. The only thing left is to goddamn realize you did something good, because you are here with a reason. Its been a long time since my last romantic reading, so I thought it was time to give this a shot! Both parties are a bit conflicted on this connection so they pretend that they are sitting on stable ground, meanwhile they are both very unstable. this reading is about blessings coming your way in 2022. They might be shorter or just younger than you, yeah. It seems that they will want to marry you. Read some of Carl Jungs books, trust me, his books really help. You seem to want to express your feelings towards them and they can see that. We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. You may have had dreams about them in the past and vice versa, or if you havent met this person in this lifetime, you may have had this dream, and then ended up meeting someone exactly like them. You will be in a learning place when youll meet them. Your future spouse might love rock since I couldnt get any non-rock song lmao. Brown/yellowish eyes. Everything in this piles seems to be based on pure emotions and mutual love feelings. You will spark an interest in them because youre someone very reserved and very intelligent. I created this reading guided by the angel number 456, which can mean staying true to yourself and your values - I hope that number can connect with you as well! Take some time, relax, spend some time with boring people and see how youll feel calmer and more relaxed. Yeah, they really are trying to block their true personality because theyre too afraid you might say oh shit, ftsio. Some of you have been cursed. I just thought of a possibility. Thank you so much for letting me read for you! Its just something you need to go through in order to become again the master of your own world. This is someone who you have met before. I really need a little bit of hope that someone loves me. Now Im talking for the girls who grew up without a father or who didnt have a good relationship with their dads, this person will be what you need in life. Im not willing to bring some of you down with those keywords. Of note with this card is the charismatic nature we see. You might get to meet them while they are attacked by someone verbally or even physically. Do you love pets? This is your sign to tell your crush you like them. You seem to have been through a lot of trauma, pile 3. ~ Pick-a-Card. Yeah, I dont know what else to say. I kinda lack confidence at the moment. You wouldnt have thought theyre capable of something like that. You may also be very caring towards small creatures in general, possibly children too. You need to be true to yourself and understand that if this person is too controlling over you, or if this person is too rough with you, or tries to shape you in anyway, theyre not your person. This person loves you and loves the connection between the two of you, but I wouldnt recommend you to pursue and turn it into a love relationship. I feel like you will be like imma come back after I recharge my social interaction batteries. See a recent post on Tumblr from @laguezze about soulmate pick a card. Youre my future spouse so Id like to tell you what Id like in life. They are a karmic friend, they arent here to carry on a relationship with you. For some of you, the future seems to hold a wedding. Option 2 (middle) They are serious about their commitment. - Pick a Card Reading. They are very calm and they feel free to do whatever they want. You mightve known this person since kindergarten. No but why did Gangsta Nation just started playing Your FS will see you as someone very blunt, very rough and very direct and it may annoy them from time to time. You may come from a very happy background. This is mostly for entertainment and it may answer some questions you might have about the type of person who might have a crush on you. Youre gonna be the apple of their eyes! They have very smooth moves as well. I dont recommend you to forgive them if that is the case. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. It suggest you to wait for better occasions and to explore your spiritual side, the right intuition will come to you at the right time. I literally listen to my playlists and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles started playing. Pick one of the pictures from above to get a message about how can you feel more free. They may think youre sometimes too judgemental with people around you and might even try to understand why. You need to start seeing the world in a less tense, more fun, bright way. Mars in aspects with Neptune: common in gay men charts, Mars or Venus in the 11th or 12th house. Find the podcasts on the tumblr below, and also here: We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. Pluto in the 10th house: find your goals and work hard to achieve them, you can heal your wounds through a carrier that makes you feel happy and aligned with your highest goals, you need a lot of structure and to work on your approach to responsibility. I had no idea rock couldve been so calming. I seen a guy holding a cigarette and then, like, throw it out the window (and smiling) and saying look, aus dem Fenster(GER: out the window) while a woman is watching him (worried). They might also have that stalker vibe. They will not have a crush on you at the time. Pick a crystal you feel drawn to and find your message. I dont feel they are very toxic, but they wont be neither very healthy in the beginning. I seek to cure whats deep inside, frightened of this thing that Ive become. They are someone very smart, with a very calm and relaxed voice. I dont see any conflict and for some of you, this person could be someone you might marry one day if youre willing to (I know I said it doesnt seem romantic, but for some of you, it could be later in life). This is a person who is pushing themselves constantly and may have a tendency to spread themselves too thin. I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium Check out my blog for even more tarot content: Anyways, you wont want to have anything to do with them but something will just pull you in. Pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) and find out! Enjoy! King of Swords, 7 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups. A complete birth chart analysis. So sorry this is a day late, I was very busy with studying yesterday, but I wanted to get this reading out as soon as possible! You guys seem to care too much about being right than be equal. I have also added some spirit guide animal stones to help you chose as well. Now before you get mad at me for dragging these qualities, repeat after me: Opinions should be respected and I must NOT judge people based on their opinions. Your person feels that youre bringing them a lot of happiness and theyre glad they met you. Right off the bat, this person gives me major sagittarius/virgo vibes. Aquarius Venus/Mars: these are pretty gay positions, theres nothing else to say. They may not seem the romantic Prince Charming but they sure feel the need to help and protect the people who they feel close to. The truth is, you are significant, as any other person and you shouldnt go through life thinking everything is going to go bad. So take your weapons and become that one person youre wishing to become and stop pitying yourself because it doesnt help. Both parties are cold, yet both know how much they care about the other one. They are someone very fair and very equal. I hope it resonated and Ill be continuing to do pick a card readings and Ill see you next time. This is really a time where things may need to get worse before they can get better, but I promise, things will get better. I tried my best to make it as general as possible, but spirits put a lot of specific messages in here for certain people who do resonate, so please take what resonates & leave what doesnt!*. Could be a vegan/vegetarian. Do you want to know something about your love life in the near future? My confidence is based on the fact that I am always protected spiritually by higher energies. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. There are 5 piles today. This reading will be about upcoming changes in your life. You also get easily offended and probably cry a lot after someone insults you. You need to stop focusing on your fails because they dont make up who you are. Maybe someone from your childhood in this lifetime. I think you guys used to break bones as kids or get hurt in the playground to the point you needed to go to the doctor. They see you are someone who wants to travel the world but cant because they cannot afford. Pick the card you're most drawn to to reveal your message. You couldve been enemies or you couldve hated each other to death. you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. This person is very sweet. (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): What are you attracting right now? Ive finally had time to chill and relax and have fun. You have to try to leave the past behind because youre no longer living in the past, so stop looking at your demons, stop judging yourself so much, stop arguing with yourself or others if its not the case. Let me know what personal interpretation you have and how the cards speak to you! Emmarie Hodge. You might have pointy eyebrows. Seems to have a very fit body as well. This pile is the easiest so far because I dont see any screaming/offending lol. . You seem to want to have a stable life with that someone you like but you feel that they will think youre not their type or that youre boring or fuck knows what. Youll think theyre a weirdo and will try to distance yourselves. It will feel like a dream come true because youve been hoping to have this reconnection for a very long time. They may sometimes have bursts of anger or offend you when youre giving them constructive criticism. If you dont have a crush though, then you need to tell your friends what bothers you and stop pretending everything is OK when it isnt, your friends will understand that. You might have some overwhelming feelings at the moment, you have to express them. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the others. Ive been thinking about you for a while. There is a lot of Uranian energy in this person! They will bring a lot of positive change into your life and will fill your world with joy and happiness. Its like, when they think about you, they think of some sort of CEO or boss. They have this need of feeling worthy and it feels like they are sexually attracted to you. They might wear glasses or have braces. The first card, Six of Wands, indicates that your soulmate has a fiery aesthetic. They think that youre extremely magnetic, extremely balanced in everything you do and they seem the type to literally want to worship you. They remind me of one of my colleagues, whos a very smart guy who doesnt talk to anyone except one colleague whos introverted as well. They seem clumsy, young and somehow experienced (???). Cinnamon urged her, looking down at the small cookie. 10 of Pentacles, 9 of Cups, 10 of Cups, 9 of Wands, Death, 8 of Wands, This person is the type of guy/girl to think everybody can be a potential lifetime partner ngl. There seems to be just a casual friendship between the two of you. They can be younger than you and they might feel that you are a lot better than them. They seem very selfless bruh, like, they really believe theyre made out of stone. There are a lot of cards here that can represent the subconscious, dreams, and spiritual worlds. Scariest part of every date from 21st century. I see genuine friendship. Look, Ive been through some shit lately and I gotta pick myself up. 5 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, The Devil, Queen of Swords, Hanged Man. I need you guys to be open-minded and focus on the cards in order to . "Please, pick one! It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but its not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision thats going to change your life. I see someone constantly getting into random fights with different individuals just for the sake of fighting. I believe they mightve gotten cheated on in the past and now they became very controlling with you and they will want to know where Goddamn you are, EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE, which isnt convenient for your independence and your way ofbeing. Youve been looking for me werent you, huh? Fr, you guys will really melt when youll see them. any other thing you are curious of! Their mother might be involved into that or they just have this sort of connection to it. And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! I feel like your person will be like oh cmon, please, I dont wanna pay! And youre gonna be like aint got no money motherf*cker, do I look like a piggy bank for u?. But with how deeply you will care about each other, I think you will realize that this is meant to be, and will overcome those fears. Discover more posts about soulmate pick a card. In this pick a card reading, we will try to channel the name of your soulmate (right!). You may have only realized later how important they were to your life. If you would like more information on your reading, message me for a tip-based extended reading! TW: Piles 2 & 4 have cards containing some drawings of partial nudity, if you are uncomfortable with this, please chose a different pile. However this can actually be a good thing as it means that these are more overarching energies of this month. Theyre very introverted and very simple. This fight will probably come all of the sudden because youll be tired/your person will be tired of the smoke/smell/etc you/they make/do. Hi my loves, I hope youre having a lovely day/night, whenever you see this! This relationship will really help you to see that everything that may have happened in the past really is for the best. You love to impose respect through confrontation most likely. Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: by @sacerdotessa on tumblr | @sacerdotess4 on IGPick a couple picture! Its my favorite color. . I wanna live my youth to the fullest until I meet you. Today we have 3 cards from the Archangel Oracle Deck: Take Back Your Power, Compassion, and Healthy Lifestyle. ~ Pick-A-Card Reading - 3/18, What is coming next in your love life? Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. spiritual astrology & divination. What are you so scared of? They got the Sun card, youll see that too. Like my colleague, they might be interested in physics, mechanics and anything related to this robotics field. You seem very proud to that reader and your future spouse will love you a lot. This person may suffer from depression or have a very negative aura around them but something makes you feel theyre magical. They seem to be more fiery than you are and they most of the times adjust themselves to your energy because they dont want you to leave them or they dont want THEM to scare you away, but if I take a closer look, you seem to like those types of people. Seems to me that youre the type of people who make life hard for the pile 1 people (dont get mad, its just a joke lol). This is not someone whod do a big, romantic gesture as their emotions and feelings are usually kept under lock and keytheir love language would most likely be acts of service. And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! You wouldnt expect them to be the type to think every partner they have is their soulmate. 3 of Cups, 3 of Wands, Strength, The World, 4 of Swords, King of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, The Hierophant, Helloooo beautiful. You feel so powerless and so insignificant, but for what? They faced lots of change through their lives and they learned a lot from these changes and challenges. There is here something related to suicide from their part or a death of someone who they really cared for. Rose quartz is connected with universal love, kindness, safety, inner child healing, intuition and balance. This person seems to spend a lot of time in their head and could have a tendency to be a bit of a worrier. You may meet each other on TikTok. This is one of the fights you get in first dates. The situation in unstable and it generates anxiety and fears. They might have black curly hair, you might love it. Pluto in the 12th house: you need to explore with your spiritual side, work on your internal dialog, try to sleep well, analyze your dreams and trust your intuition, your spiritual gift will guide you through the healing process. Your manifestations are on your way but you feel a little resistant to them, that is why the process is slowing down a bit. You will be very defensive with them and they will be like hey man, I didnt mean to offend you. For you I dont really get a song but Im feeling bad for leaving you songless so imma put one here. This individual oozes earth energy! If theyre a man they might also look like Carlisle from Twilight. Take your time, meditate, and pick one of the following groups (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) using your intuition. Its connected to a secret thats going to be revealed, peace after a conflict, harmony, beauty, something good in your love life or good times with friends. You can find a twin flame or a soulmate in any person you choose, because your destined person already exists in spirit/energy. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your question. option one; option two; option three; paix doux voeux. It reminds that you should trust your emotions and follow them. Your person sees you as someone Who went through countless hardships regarding money and health. Money are very important to this person, thats something very serious. It announces a time of personal growth, self discovering and connection with your truer self. This type of love they have is pretty toxic in my opinion, but you seem to love when people are obsessed over you. Theyre paying cause youre smart and they are a gentleman/lady. Youll think theyre too childish for me, wtf. Ill tell you everything you need to know about every single area of your life (relationships, career, friendships, family, children, etc)! In a negative scenario it could be referred to a manipulative person with bad intentions. You could read each others minds. They seem to empathise with you for some reason, maybe youve been through similar situations in life and they totally understand why you feel the way you feel. Do you like someone? Fr, theyre VERY kind. I kept hearing this is my battle. Michael/Michelle or Richard, Mary, Jane or Marko or Vlad. Right now Africa(by Toto(shhh I know Ive mentioned this song already 4 times but its one of my favs)) is playing. Its up to you & your person if you want to make the relationship work, & trust me, not every relationship will work out because obviously some people arent aware or as woke about things like this. The universe likes to surprise us with things that we never wouldve necessarily chosen for ourselves, but are so much better than anything we couldve imagined. You may feel like you are a mess, maybe you think you are too emotional, maybe people have told you that you need to get your life in order, to be focused, to have a plan etc. Thank you so much for participating in this reading, I hope you enjoyed it! hello, my angels! The Knight of Cups is the most romantic of the knights, and there will definitely be a lot of romance in this relationship. Maybe your sun sign is a feminine one and youll seem more of a masculine one. Pick a couple picture! Looking For Our Oracle Decks, Mystical Goodies, and Thangs? I have no idea how youre gonna get the waters still, but Ive somehow knew from the beginning that time will pass and eventually you will forgive them without proving youre better (this is contradicting what Ive written up). Ill say everything about your personality (or the personality of someone else) and whats influencing your current energy with this 11 cards reading. Your dream can bring you money and can give you a stable/rich life. They probably didnt express their feelings towards you. feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox! Dont worry, your Prince Charming will soon come into your life, so yeah stop forcing yourself and stop fantasizing marrying the wrong people. Ill interpret your descendant persona chart (its an astrological analysis about your future spouse or about what kind of relatioships you tend to attract). Its related to anxiety, being worried, hyper sexuality and toxicity. Eventually theyll feel comfortable to tell you anything and everything, things that theyve never told anyone before. Are you feeling stuck? Its a good time for counseling, seeing a therapist, begin a diet or take care of yourself in general. Pick A Card FUTURE SPOUSE SOULMATE CONNECTION DETAILS Love Psychic Tarot Reading Subscribe to my youtube channel for more pick a card tarot reading! The design of the cards, where the oval looked like a mirror, seemed to pop out. They wont remember anything, I promise. I also invite you to take a close look at the cards for your group and draw your own messageswhat comes through to you? I want to have a beautiful family like my parents have. Pluto in 7th house: establish healthy relationships with others, define healthy boundaries with others, open up, establish 50-50 relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. With the 6C I feel like they really like you and they feel a certain type of chemistry with you. If this is a romantic interest, I dont feel the romance in it, but I do feel this platonic caring energy coming from both sides. They can be into spirituality, really. If you want to feel free, then free yourself from this part time job/role you chosen to take. You might have a very active mind. Argh, life is so hard. I need some friends in the witchcraft community and more blog to follow, like this post and I will check your blog! I think they were bullied and the only way people wouldve stopped from bullying them was fighting them off. So now, how will you find this person? I love that your person isnt willing to change their opinion even though their crush is thinking otherwise. May it be their soft side, may it be just an attraction. Now heres a funny one. You create your reality & your can always change your perspective on life. I believe that we are all born with psychic gifts - curious what I feel like yours could be? Your future spouse seems someone very fiery ngl. I feel anger, fear and anxiety. Then, you can scroll down to the correct pile 1-4. While its okay to get advice & tips on how the journey works, be sure to use your own intuition because every journey is different. This is going to be my first Pick a Card reading and Im very excited for it, but lets see how this goes! Go spend some time with your friends if you believe your parents arent a great source of support. 5th / 7th / 8th house cousp in Aquarius, Gemini or Pisces could be indicators of gay/bisexual tendencies. Out of this pile I get a huge message saying Doctor. They will see a very big progress in you. Remember that this is just the current energy and is not definite. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. Anyway, in this there will be multiple packages in which you can choose from, these are shorter readings though, so keep that in mind please! 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