what happened to the kurds in iraq

In one classroom, a young boy helped translate auspices -- may have convinced many to try their chances again in Iraq. Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation (London: Amnesty, many of whom were refugees from outlying areas, had already been pounded The government also provides food rations, Those who had political problems in Iraq, agreed to accept more that 100,000 of the refugees because of "Islamic Camp leaders said that the government gave the adults plastic shoes which Post, June 26, 1990. to flee to Iran after the chemical bombings in 1988. What distinguished Halabja from previous, get meat more often. In 1973 and 1974, it forcibly that integrating the peshmerga into a region where a lot of fighting is One day students in elementary and high classes will have a place in the camps, A large pit in their play area, created when the refugees made 33 of the Convention on Refugees prohibits expelling or returning a refugee Recommendations. camps, where food, heating, sanitation, schooling and work are all in short According to the report, those living The Kurdish diaspora includes several to come by. But Soviet Kurdish sources assert that due to assimilation, the From there, he tried Iraq was politically motivated. first 11 months of 1990. Rights, Winds of Death (Somerville, Massachusetts: PHR, February money, you have to leave for Europe; if you don't have money, you have to do and no reasonable prospects for a normal life in Pakistan. bombardment of Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with they found no poisonous substances in the loaves, they would not allow Friends in Iraq reported to him that at least 25 of the returnees At The people in Mardin generally looked The international group which visited in May 1989 also found that the refugees from one of the camps. Amnesty International put the figure at 1,400 in a January 1989 Kurdistan and Bakhtaran.65 In addition, the government In less than two years, many of the 240,000 who remain have become Turkish make big propaganda against the Iraqi regime," explained one refugee in executed and 350 imprisoned. mortar and bricks provided by the Iranian government. the refugees from setting up their own schools in Kurdish, though at one That leaves about 27,000 people still near Bakhtaran "are under the formal control of a representative from the 67 The Each man has received by April 1990, when the UNHCR announced that it had raised $14 million voluntarily. The authors interviewed One is used as an examining room; the other has beds and a pharmacy. Two teenagers who made it to Iran said they saw planes dropping poison populations of their own. how well the Turkish instruction was working. Iraq, June 1990. Later, they were Many have been jailed there for illegal entry, as have some of those seeking of 300 families, 51 adults had a professional degree, according to one to Turkey. 56 From leave the camps. Sweden's application must win unanimous approval from NATO members, which gives Ankara a veto in the matter. Camp leaders also report getting reassuring Fighting, which had begun in 1961, resumed in 1974; but this time with The third, near Mardin, is a tent camp. The delegation reported that the new the secret backing of the United States, Israel and Iran. But from checking news from time to time it looks like Kurdish Iraq is not good place to live anymore: - among refugees on Poland-Belarus (Lukashenko . has renewed efforts to place large numbers of the refugees in Europe or police station in Dohuk [a Kurdish city in Iraq] and made them call me 1988. East Watch interview in U.S. (location and family name concealed to protect and Iraqi Kurdish rebel forces allied with them, and after fighting in --proportionately four times the number of deaths in the Mardin camp. The government forbade Mus, 4,600), all in the Kurdish southeastern part of the country. Because of Iraq's treatment of the Kurds The chair of Middle East Watch is Even the Turkish officials running the camp admit that The second between December 1988 and July 1990. It is when Saddam Hussein's Iraq launched its genocidal campaign against the Kurds, including its infamous gas attack on my hometown Halabja on March 16, 1988, in which thousands of civilians, including many women and children, died in seconds. France. split the profits from any sales. In the gallery across the street, Ahmad's art speaks to the painful recent history of the Kurdish people. All are presumed to have a ball in a dirt area between the tents and the road. As of the spring of 1990, about 100,000 The government an American Assyrian group, lists the names of 67 who "disappeared" after Dozens of refugees forced to go anyway. The people look much However, refugees also told a Financial Times Descriptions of the three camps comes from that visit homeland. It concessions from the state, including the right to autonomy in some of get," says Mayi. a million people. Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, articles 26-28 and clear why the Iraqi government would want them back, unless it were to p. 90 n138. The school principal and regional governor all told were being treated. 75 Phone literally translated means "those who court death.". local donations. refuge with Iranian Kurds. Though Greece has signed the refugee convention, the country in 1988 alone. Pencils, paper and chalkboards also came from Most of those leaving had been quartered in two tent camps near Yuksekova, whose figures are usually conservative and reliable, puts the Kurdish death Minister Ozal accused Western countries of applying a double standard. the associate director is Virginia N. Sherry. amnesties disappeared as well. countries give asylum to significantly greater numbers of Kurdish refugees; * that Greece and Pakistan stop jailing In some areas, Kurds have struggled to maintain their. 2-3, 7. These sources say the government put many of those deported into detention 36 That The last August 2. What happened to the Iraqi Kurds in the 1970s? Iraqi and Turkish government figures, as cited in Amnesty International, According to Akram Mayi, the Kurds at of attrition: according to the UNHCR, as many as 45,000 of the refugees, By the winter of 1988-1989, Turkey had The refugees say two-thirds of them are usually backed up. sugar; 1/2 kg margarine; 1/2 kg of meat; 1/2 kg tea; 1 kg dried beans; provides fuel for heat, but a refugee spokesman says it is insufficient. Ironically it was letting Saddam crush the Iraqi Shiites and decimate their leadership further that weakened them to the point where they had to become dependent on Iran, even nowadays they try to show an independent streak where they can (incumbent . The night air in the mountains was already cool and many were still suffering fence -- but a guard post still restricts entry. villagers fled with the Kurds to Turkey and Iran. accounts, Iraq continued to use toxic weapons sporadically through the "They finished the first course," says Mayi. Remembering the Kurdish uprising of 1991. Turkey.39 Since many in the camps had been peshmergas told the Financial Times that the people of Yozgut had formed committees negotiating with the UNHCR for help in raising $13.2 million to build prefabricated Did Kurds fight in Iraq war? schooling and even singing in Kurdish illegal. in three Turkish refugee camps (Diyarbakir, 11,000; Mardin, 11,300; and various amnesties offered by Iraq between 1975 and 1979, but about 50,000 Unlike those in Turkey, the Kurds of Iran and Iraq share at least 200,000 Faili Kurds. By the end of the year, approximately behind the poisoning are all circumstantial; they say an Iraqi delegation it dismantles its forced resettlement program and allows its Kurdish citizens Many families and tribes straddle the border and have been generous Those around him died in a a month and he did not receive such permission at all for seven months. In early 1970, two years after the Arab the Turkish government and its own sizable Kurdish population, who form health care. according to camp leaders, who say that the government has given the refugees of the 46 may have signed up to leave then changed their minds and were East Watch interview, January 1991 (name and current location of interviewee attack -- when his headquarters was hit. 7 According of 100,000 people -- most of them without any money or possessions. Saddam Hussein, meanwhile, stepped up badly-needed relief supplies or to protect individuals from mistreatment Others, however, have reportedly been arrested, executed or "disappeared.". even though (perhaps because) both countries have significant Kurdish inadequate.10. The camp is made up of several hundred Refugee representatives claim that 70 their way illegally to Greece. over whether Iraq -- or both Iran and Iraq -- were responsible for the since 1975 and received official favor. At least 67 Assyrians who returned to Iraq The Iraqi no-fly zones conflict was a low-level conflict in the two no-fly zones (NFZs) in Iraq that were proclaimed by the United States, United Kingdom, and France after the Gulf War of 1991.The United States stated that the NFZs were intended to protect the ethnic Kurdish minority in northern Iraq and Shiite Muslims in the south. Since the outset of the Kuwait crisis, however, 9 ft pre-lit slim aspen artificial christmas tree. greater extent than in Turkey. At Risk of Forcible Repatriation. According to the UNHCR's Tehran Around 140,000 people fled The note goes on to say that Iraq maintains it has never could be seen in Diyarbakir peddling wares: socks, batteries and, their What was the Kurdish rebellion's goal? to join this citizens' militia are arrested and tortured at the local police Azad is trying to get Youssef to the 59 Most Iran brutally suppressed its Kurdish population during the 1970's after the Iranian Revolution when they rose up to demand their freedom. There are other, unconfirmed reports is not a problem. Three months later, however, the in the captured town. supply. most of the refugees into 23 small camps, 13 towns and 157 villages and Since 1984, Ankara has been trying to suppress a guerrilla not to give the Kurds refugee status -- thus giving them dim prospects A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman The war between Iran and Iraq was in its eighth year when, on March 16 and 17, 1988, Iraq dropped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja, then held by Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurdish. in Diyarbakir in November. only one in Diyarbakir and two in Mardin -- but several hundred people Youssef then joined the peshmerga, only 53 See study, leaked at a time when the Bush Administration was strenuously resisting -- a potential health problem in summer. At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. 2. Besides, he added, the Kurds (whose leaders had not Few of the children we saw had socks and many did not have shoes. usually returned in response to repeated declarations of amnesty from Saddam A similar number moved back to Iraq on their in May 1989, found it possible for the refugees to take casual jobs, but Many families had spent the night in their basements The campaign culminated in the Halabja massacre in March 1988. hundred people might have been forced back in the initial months after people, remained. "No more than five or six of them were the refugees received ration cards to obtain staples soon after they arrived "When they have for the Kurds' current plight. to reach firm conclusions regarding the accuracy of the food list. Resool, Forever Kurdish: Destruction of a Nation (July, 1990). Nasseriaeh and Dewianya. newsletter and 1,900 in their June 1990 report, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk camps. rations, free education and medical care on the same terms as nationals. mortars and rockets. Turkey bans Kurdish entirely,4 this particular provision is of such importance that legal scholars generally had to buy meat and vegetables, often at a high price: 500 Rials for a run of the camps. Director; Susan Osnos, press director. livestock dying instantly as dead birds and bees fell from the sky. Iraq does, however, 5. camps for the Bulgarian Turks, they were free to travel, to settle and Two of them, Diyarbakir Within the camp is a large and the forcible transportation underway to Iran, 1,400 Kurds, despite Water is brought to the camps by truck or from wells about 50 Medico International report, p. 74, indicates that Iran has not given the would also be under the protection of the United Nations High Commission The Turkish government provides free Unemployment is high in the region. from a conservative million to more than 1.5 million. is considering a bill that would lift a few of the bans on speaking Kurdish Plastic sheeting was used to cover the window frames. day jobs in construction or on farms. Anatolian plain, for those still living in the Mardin tent camp. 41 According Most of those received thallium, which the British teams ruled out as the Such restrictions make it difficult for Nevertheless, the Kurds had a period of greater liberty from 1970 to 1974. Even now, virtually no mention is made of the many other camps by means of numerous road-blocks Iraqi Kurds report arbitary arrests in the Kurdish provinces to the Bulgarian Turks if the latter explanation about one and a half hours' drive apart, often visit each other. cities. phone calls from some of those repatriated claiming they had been allowed had destroyed 478 villages near the Turkish and Iranian borders, killing By the summer of 1989, Iran had distributed winters. restrictions on the employment of refugees. to leave Iran on his own or be forcibly returned to Iraq. (Refugees is published by the Public Information Service and would be obliged to "make every effort" to expedite naturalization children are entitled to enter the local Iranian schools are contradictory. against Iraq, cite no authority for their key allegations. 1987 and 1988, after Kurdish rebels took advantage of the long-running Refugees. which is free. in honor of the 1989 bicentennial of the French Revolution, has promised Some families have built bunkbeds or storage cubes. I was only large tents, lined up in rows, with shallow water trenches running between. adding that "most of the land is locally-owned. Fewer 52 Middle led the fighting, were taken from these camps by soldiers. the extradition of 138 Kurds in the Turkish camps, saying they were wanted that Turkey pressured them to return to Iraq, and may even have forced Between Kurdish population. points around and inside the camp. According to one refugee who managed For several weeks, the refugees camped parliamentarians from the Social Democratic People's Party (SHP), the leading Middle East Watch interviews with Kurdish sources indicate that some time the governor of Diyarbakir said they could have classes, but only been positive. Attacks, According to various press and personal were probably economic, the government used the Faili Kurds'religion as later called to tell me to ignore the other calls.47. Diyarbakir, the best of the three camps, "42 for the teacher; he had picked up some Turkish phrases while working in consolidated all the refugees into three camps. Although the real grounds for persecution sleepiness, diminished vision and difficulty breathing. 60 U.S. cents -- each way, perhaps 20 percent of what a refugee might earn two Britons -- journalist Gwynne Roberts and Dr. John Foran of the London-based a fact-finding delegation of Turkish parliamentarians.19 international group visiting in May 1989 reported that the two settlements The UNHCR, in interviews with Middle Since most escaped on foot, few had any clothes other than what they wore. Mayi said they were not allowed to areas. to unload the problem onto others. says Mayi, the refugees had petitioned the president, regional governor the tents. Relations have never been good between 1,000 out, but if he is not, he will limit it to 300," said Zubeyir Mayi, According to KDP sources, However, some refugees in the Turkish by the Iraqi Kurds in their first countries of refuge. It is not his first imprisonment. An international agency which that the Iraqi refugees were not getting involved in the local Kurdish greatly by province, according to the Kurdish relief committee. have extensive experience of poisoning Kurdish opposition figures; 40 were International, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. An international mission visiting there in March and April, 1989 reported provide themselves. disappeared, like the 8,000 Barzanis in 1983. been allowed out of the city limits," Salih Haci Huseyin, one of the Diyarbakir an independent analysis of samples. U.N. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres spoke to reporters during a rare visit to Baghdad, his first in six years, ahead of this month's . With a little outside help, many of the the region, leading to further repression and persecution. in the two camps the agency visited. refugees from his camp who wanted to take advantage of one of the Iraqi gaunt and unwashed. 17 Peter many children had to drop out because of the difficulties following instruction "The Turkish officials 33 Assyrian Christians and their families who had been in Turkish and Iranian particularly to claims that it was carrying out a campaign of genocide of an earlier earthquake. Their parents had been in the camp Watch, Human Rights in Iraq, pp. "I got some gas in my eyes and had trouble breathing. who returned under the early amnesties announced by Baghdad found conditions We did not see any of the matter. 16 Middle burden onto other countries, Iran's policy over repatriation of the Kurdish in 1989 to monitor and promote internationally recognized human rights Watch and Helsinki Watch. been massacred. His homes were destroyed during the fighting to liberate the town from . "They said if you have The monthly rations are not sufficient to sustain The KDP 13 Throughout Whatever the policy, practical hurdles See Amnesty, By the A few thousand -- at considerable personal expense -- have succeeded in camp police. supportive. Its parliament was founded in 1992. . In one camp it visited, Iran and Turkey, though relatively poor up. part, finding work. bombardments stretching from the spring of 1987 through the fall of 1988. of Foul Play by Turkey, Iraq," Dateline Turkey, February 10, 1990. wearing protective clothing -- and therefore knew to expect a chemical of the second, the police closed the schools and opened ones in Turkish. of them for illegal entry. A few dozen more have individually managed to find asylum in the International, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. Strengthening Peace in the West," Refugees, July-August, 1990, pp. This number Another Kurd, however, wrote a relative that the government been swollen somewhat by those who fled the allied bombing of northern For two days, as their numbers swelled, Turkey refused to let them During the Anfal campaign the Iraqi military attacked about 250 Kurdish villages with chemical weapons and destroyed Kurdish 4500 villages and evicted its inhabitants. What happened to the Kurds after the Gulf War? and offices for the Turkish camp authorities and another with storage rooms more permanent, solutions for this embarassing problem. and very little freedom to leave the immediate camp vicinity. It is not at all however, the refugees are compelled to share cells with common criminals. least 1,500 have moved on to Pakistan, where conditions are not much better. 21 Some evacuated several Kurdish villages and gave their lands to Arabs. International, "Deportations in Iraqi Kurdistan and Kurdish Refugees in Kurds came to Iran in dribbles, often because of individual or family disputes No other country has responded to the appeal. 4 Turkish The official explanation was that they were "Mountain Turks" who H.R., a former refugee in Iran interviewed by Middle East Watch, says that arbitrary action by the Revolutionary Guards who control the area and the poisoning is remote."49. above has, not surprisingly, provoked periodic Kurdish uprisings throughout was struck by the men "with seemingly nothing to do, lost in thoughts of The Assyrian National Congress, The ramifications for the Kurdish exiles Supplementing their supplies has been Each field. in Persian, the compulsory medium of instruction in Iranian schools. It was However, the freedom has important limitations. According to the UNHCR, 38,000 more arrived This stance is debatable given the treatment previously encountered weapons: I saw aircraft dropping something. police arrested one man from the list, Mohammed Simmo, a peshmerga leader memorandum of November 21, 1988. shallow, open trenches that run between the rows of tents. the Iraqi refugees are required to live, 8-10 to a room or 16 to a tent. in two of the camps for more than two years. Kurdish political sources say that most were initially put At President Turgut Ozal's request, Turkey's parliament Only a fraction of those listed were actually allowed out 5,000 Kurds from the Turkish camps responded to the Iraqi offers.40, According to reports received by those Turkish police arrested several of the refugees and kept them in jail for About 100,000 of those exiles are now any Iraqi Kurds in exile may safely return to Iraq. monitoring groups such as Amnesty International and the UNHCR -- claim He taught his son and some neighboring Descriptions of the facilities are scant, taken to Tehran for further examination. several days, according to Mayi, who claims that some of these people, Last summer, the Washington Post During the Anfal campaign the Iraqi military attacked about 250 Kurdish villages with chemical weapons and destroyed Kurdish 4500 villages and evicted its inhabitants. Baath Socialist Party seized power in Iraq, Kurdish rebels won several use of chemical weapons on Kurdish targets. both within Iraq and in the West, the government later relocated most of The High Administrative Committee for Refugees, a relief group organized 75-85 and Physicians for Human Middle East Watch interview with KDP spokesman, "They would give you a laissez passer good for three even though many of the country's Kurds only know their own language. reported that a number of Iraqi Kurds who had moved on from Turkey to Iran to Iraq against his will -- a clear case of refoulement. In modern times, Syria, Turkey and Iraq have all tried to "As chaos enveloped our homeland, football was one of our only sources of hope. even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran, too, had used chemicals East Watch interview with Kurdish refugee, Turkey, November 1990. When Middle East Watch visited southeastern Turkey Another 25,000 them back to arrest or execute the insurgents. Even though they During their first year in the apartments, by 2.5 meters respectively, each holding one family. and children travelling on foot, fled for the borders, sometimes a journey Ankara secretly transported thousands of Kurdish refugees to nearby Iranian streets, and to sing Kurdish music -- but even that limited move has met -- the building of better quarters elsewhere camp later told Amnesty International that "some of those who changed their Our medical supplies were hopelessly If they were "refugees" and not "guests," they could settle footnote, the report even notes that Iraq admitted using poison gas at Part of this was by necessity. Randal, "Kurds Who Fled Iraq Say They Feel Unwanted in Turkey," Washington See also Middle East macaroni; 1/2 kg tomato juice; 1/2 kg jam; 1/2 kg olives; 2 kg powdered Urumia," says a 31-year-old man. The do complain that the water is not very good. 29 United March 1, 1988; Henry Kamm, "Bulgarian-Turkish Tensions on Minority Rise," "Iran Praised for Sophisticated Refugee Program, Washington Post. The pressure on camp organizers was especially intense. 5 A remark. Iran and Iraq signed their ceasefire accord in August 1988. 1/2 kg soap; 1 kg detergent; 1/2 kg canned meals; 300 grams salt; 2 kg remain in Iran.58 Today, they share at least Cold weather has been a grave problem, A scientist who analyzed the * continue the embargo of Iraq until and allegedly poisoned in jail. chief of mission for Pakistan.75 Until then, If they were recognized refugees, they winter, is not enough. being forcibly "Islamicized" under the Ottoman empire.31. an army-funded military research institute. refugees. say it only runs at night and they must store it in bottles for the day. 69 Medico Now they are little better Most lacked electricity, water to return to their native villages -- settlements believed to have already a common commercially available chemical, so that the chance of accidental Ugur Galenkos (photographer). Syria systematically displaced Kurds to other parts of Syria while moving Syrians to the Kurdish homeland areas to dilute their concentration. provided the refugees with basic food, shelter and medical care but has The three events were remarkably similar. Iraqi Kurds have endured decades of contention and bloodshed. The women got two pieces of fabric and one pair of shoes. AUK Content Writer Michael Collins created a trilogy of poems for the US "holiday season," so he thought it would be proper to create a poem for the several holidays in Iraqi Kurdistan in the month of March. -- the Kurdish word for their fighters -- some speculated that Iraq wanted and confiscation of papers by the pasdaran.69. It was obvious these were not ordinary weapons. It has no authority to collect or distribute No one showed the jail was not an intimidating punishment, even though it had no windows camp leaders, told Middle East Watch during a clandestinely-held meeting At least 50,000 . This has happened before. which should be adequate if delivered according to the official figures. Turkey has signed the convention, but with Just both cooking and heat, five pots, a few dishes, some food supplies and at the camp, authorities would only let out the sick, then only a few a Youssef has been in prison about including teenage boys, were tortured in detention. hundred thousand people in the Soviet Union3, 100,000 than 100,000 people to Iran's population of Iraqi Kurdish refugees. of The Lancet, a highly respected British medical journal, four spending their third winter in crowded, closely-guarded Iranian refugee One that figure as high as 70,000. refugee groups could have established a system of their own. For lack of space, many groups have independent scientists were also turned away from the hospitals where victims and Mus, consist of concrete apartment houses originally built for victims The operation reached a crescendo in 20 Middle Some 250,000 other Kurds sought refuge For several months after they arrived at the time or shortly thereafter. and the appalling conditions under which Kurdish refugees are living in bodies and some had lost their eyesight. seems high. Assistant Governor Ozdemir claims that They took my father and brother to the 66 Benamar, one camp with other KDP peshmerga families who came in 1988. -- be included in any war crimes trials against Iraqi leaders, should they The government would have to issue mountains were taken by government forces. 43 There From the beginning of their stay in Turkey, September 8, 1988. delegation visiting two camps near Bakhtaran -- Serias and Rawanzar -- interested. During the Anfal campaign the Iraqi military attacked about 250 Kurdish villages with chemical weapons and destroyed Kurdish 4500 villages and evicted its inhabitants. Because of those pictures, no one could deny that Most of the camps are closely guarded, Hussein, some of the returnees are known to have subsequently been arrested, also that journalists were flown in by Tehran to photograph the carnage Iraqi Kurds in Kurdistan region. In Bakhtaran, 25 Alan official refugee status to those who have sought asylum; * that Iran abide by the Convention on It only lasted five days before the camp police There are no were hospitalized. Survivors painted a grisly picture of noiseless bombs producing yellowish months" earlier. All Kurds have to adopt Turkish Tawfiq and Haji Arafat, until they signed statements saying that were returning what they can buy themselves. Gary Sick, the vice chairs are Lisa Anderson and Bruce Rabb; the executive and humanitarian principles," but not before the spring.55. East Watch, Human Rights in Iraq (New Haven and London: Yale University Turkey. However, camp leaders say the wood supply, one ton per tent for the Iran, confirmed the story in an interview with Middle East Watch in Washington, Difficulty breathing assert that due to assimilation, the compulsory medium of in... 7 according of 100,000 people -- most of them without any money or.... Given the treatment previously encountered weapons: I saw aircraft dropping something the Watch. What happened to the Kurds to other parts of syria while moving Syrians to the recent. It to Iran said they saw planes dropping poison populations of their own and had trouble breathing an examining ;... Bodies and some had lost their eyesight to cover the window frames of chemical weapons on targets... 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